Yes, FF was looking like Ray Combs big break, which it should of been. Sadly though, no matter how good he was, Ray was always in the shadow of Dawson. So what look like his big break turned out to be the beganning of the end for the poor man. Sad story.
On another note however, I maybe alone in this, but I enjoyed Louie as the host. Not at frist, however. At frist he seemed like he was real bitter about doing the show, like it was below him. He was starting to enjoy a level of success with his comdey and he's old hit saturday morning cartoon show "Life with Louie", but after the comdey slowed down, the cartoon was no more, and FF was his only means for a paycheck, I think it really bugged him. Anyone remember on MadTv when Will Sasso would parody him and showcase how truly miserable he was doing the show. What's kind of sad about it though, is that after Louie was starting to enjoy it, he was canned and replaced by Richard, who did do a great job overall. I'm not saying Louie was the best, because no way does the man even come close to the best host of that show, I'm just saying I enjoy him when he started to enjoy his work.