Set up a date and time in advance and see how many people can make it.
I'm home all day, and night. I can do it at selected times on the weekend. Maybe we could plan for next Saturday between 7-8 PM Central Time?
yea we haveto be on all at the some time then
um anyway....we should all get on here at 10 o clock on sat......wait.....different time zones :o o well i got nothin
TMNTyea we haveto be on all at the some time then
lol i'm sorry...i'll try to make this be the last time i'm gonna say this.....WHY DO YOU TYPE LIKE THAT? DO YOU TALK LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE????
um anyway....we should all get on here at 10 o clock on sat......wait.....different time zones :o o well i got nothin
DR7KIDTMNTyea we haveto be on all at the some time then
lol i'm sorry...i'll try to make this be the last time i'm gonna say this.....WHY DO YOU TYPE LIKE THAT? DO YOU TALK LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE????
um anyway....we should all get on here at 10 o clock on sat......wait.....different time zones :o o well i got nothin
Hey I have bad spelling ok I can`t help it ok so stop it.