sizz_leteen's Avatar
596 Posts
18 years, 4 months ago
I was getting my hair done yesterday, and on the radio was a little segment in which one of the hosts would read song lyrics that had been misheard by listeners. The other host would listen to the lyric, and then try to guess what the singer was actually singing.
What song lyrics have you misheard? Some of mine are:

Jessica Simpson's "A Public Affair"
what I thought I heard: "All the camels come out for a public affair..."
what was actually sung: "All the cameras come out for a public affair..."

Sloan's "Who Loves Life More?"
what I thought I heard: "Some people pray, while others endure..."
what was actually sung: "Some people play, but are they secure?..."

Madonna's "La Isla Bonita"
what I thought I heard: "Last night I dreamt of some bagels..."
what was actually sung: "Last night I dreamt of San Pedro..."
I am deranged, but so, so playful!
    3931 Posts
    18 years, 4 months ago
    There is a thread like this waaay deep somewhere in Memory Lane, if I remember correctly :?
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