305 Posts
18 years, 4 months ago
I'm trying to write a horror novel and I just wanted to know what the people like in horror/sci-fi. Please Help!
Starscream: Megatron?! Is that you?!
Galvatron: Here's a hint!
(Zaps Starscream into dust)
Galvatron: Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?

-Transformers The Movie
    451 Posts
    18 years, 4 months ago
    You're better off just writing about what you like, and hoping that your interests will sync-up will any future readers.

    Learn from Hollywoods' mistake. Studio execs spend a great deal of time trying to intuit what audiences want, but just wind-up producing bland and generic tripe.

    Movies by committee are usually pretty bad, so a novel by committee will probably be worse.
      451 Posts
      18 years, 4 months ago
      I want to see cannibalism, freakish sex, and an unhappy ending in my horror movies.

      Then you must be a very happy movie-goer, because there's been a lot of that in horror movies recently.
        skippymallory's Avatar
        531 Posts
        18 years, 4 months ago
        and nowadays horror movies have been making remakes of old classics. if they redo My Bloody Valentine, I will be sick. :roll:
        a hopeless romantic and defender of the unloved, the geeky and the misunderstood. a friend to underdogs and misfits everywhere. :)
          Cigarette_Smoking_Man's Avatar
          18 years, 4 months ago
          I want to see cannibalism, freakish sex, and an unhappy ending in my horror movies.

          *Slips the Doc a Dawn of the Dead 2004 DVD*

          Amen to what the Strangeone said, I despise happy endings, it's such a celluloid cliche. Give me brutality, gruesome deaths, zombies, headshots, and a constant feeling of dread, and I'm a happy guy.

          Draw influence from your favorite horror writer, go back through his/her best novels/novellas and see what spooked you. Stephen King's Night Shift and Skeleton Crew are great collections of short stories, and Clive Barker's The Hellbound Heart is an awesome novella. H.P. Lovecraft was also a fine writer of short-story horror.
            79987 Posts
            18 years, 4 months ago
            I prefer something with shocking suspense that involves spirits or demons :mrgreen:
              4135 Posts
              18 years, 4 months ago
              My best advice as a fellow writter who's currently working on his own novel is to just do it, write it all down, a little bit a day. It doesn't have to be in order either, if you feel like writing chapter one one day and the next day you feel like writing chapter 10, do it. Get it on paper before you lose it.
                mr-funky's Avatar
                1620 Posts
                18 years, 4 months ago
                I kinda liked it when the alien/monster/killer/whatever kills or does whatever it does but doesn't actually reveal itself or show what it actually looks like untill either the very end or not at all.
                  305 Posts
                  18 years, 4 months ago
                  Thanks guys! :D
                  You have helped me a lot, and given me something to think about.
                  Starscream: Megatron?! Is that you?!
                  Galvatron: Here's a hint!
                  (Zaps Starscream into dust)
                  Galvatron: Will anyone else attempt to fill his shoes?

                  -Transformers The Movie
                    1954 Posts
                    18 years, 4 months ago
                    My best advice as a fellow writter who's currently working on his own novel is to just do it, write it all down, a little bit a day. It doesn't have to be in order either, if you feel like writing chapter one one day and the next day you feel like writing chapter 10, do it. Get it on paper before you lose it.

                    he knows what hes talking about, check his myspace!
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