The thing that sucks about college the most is that you have to pay all that money to learn all of this BULL SHIT BLOATED KNOLEDGE that your never going to use in the real world and it stresses you to the bone just trying to get all that excessive work done. if you ask me college is too FUCKING EXPENSIVE (and perhaps BLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOATED. Just like vista. :roll:) for all the shit they make you go through just to get a four year degree. :x
Ugh, don't get me started. This semester is going to kill me, I think. Not only do I have personal issues to contend with, I'm taking 6 courses (one is only a gym class, but the weight training leaves me exhuasted.) I'm taking 2 studio classes (which run about 3 hours twice a week + assignments and finishing work in the studio) and a lab science. So yeah, NOT HAPPY. I'm gone from about 8-8pm at least 3 days a week. I'm getting by now, but midterms will not be fun.
Ugh, don't get me started. This semester is going to kill me, I think. Not only do I have personal issues to contend with, I'm taking 6 courses (one is only a gym class, but the weight training leaves me exhuasted.) I'm taking 2 studio classes (which run about 3 hours twice a week + assignments and finishing work in the studio) and a lab science. So yeah, NOT HAPPY. I'm gone from about 8-8pm at least 3 days a week. I'm getting by now, but midterms will not be fun.
SunriserUgh, don't get me started. This semester is going to kill me, I think. Not only do I have personal issues to contend with, I'm taking 6 courses (one is only a gym class, but the weight training leaves me exhuasted.) I'm taking 2 studio classes (which run about 3 hours twice a week + assignments and finishing work in the studio) and a lab science. So yeah, NOT HAPPY. I'm gone from about 8-8pm at least 3 days a week. I'm getting by now, but midterms will not be fun.
For recreation or requirement?