cartoonfreak's Avatar
333 Posts
18 years, 2 months ago
cool, death by stereo! :The lost boys

    TMNT's Avatar
    5203 Posts
    18 years, 2 months ago
    Wow that cool dude
      darthmunk's Avatar
      3361 Posts
      18 years, 2 months ago
      I don't think it's banned, I've seen it on TV many times.
        Video_Jukebox's Avatar
        1068 Posts
        18 years, 2 months ago
        Actually, the "banned" episode (according to my DVDs, anyway) was "Man's Best Friend". To the best of my knowledge, "Son of Stimpy" (aka, "Stimpy's First Fart") was never banned, although it's more than likely parts of it were cut out by Nick higher-ups.
        "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
        Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
        What more can we do?"
        --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
          cartoonfreak's Avatar
          333 Posts
          18 years, 2 months ago
          Oh, okayit's just that I heard somewhere that son of stimpy was the banned one but after watching this episode I get why this one was banned.
          cool, death by stereo! :The lost boys

            318 Posts
            18 years, 2 months ago
            i've seen it on tv several times
              2623 Posts
              18 years, 2 months ago
              if it's viewable in Canada it can't be banned. The people that control our TV are super sensitive
                SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                4806 Posts
                18 years, 2 months ago
                Why was this particular episode (the one in the clip with that crazy dog-show guy) banned? I've seen Son of Stimpy once and only once, and it wasn't on Nickelodeon either. I remember catching it years ago on MTV. That's when my Ren & Stimpy watching really just came to a hault. At that point, the show was too gross and nasty for me to even remotely enjoy, or either I'd grown out of it, or maybe it was a combination of both.
                  2623 Posts
                  18 years, 2 months ago
                  Why was this particular episode (the one in the clip with that crazy dog-show guy) banned? I've seen Son of Stimpy once and only once, and it wasn't on Nickelodeon either. I remember catching it years ago on MTV. That's when my Ren & Stimpy watching really just came to a hault. At that point, the show was too gross and nasty for me to even remotely enjoy, or either I'd grown out of it, or maybe it was a combination of both.

                  we're discussing how it isn't a banned episode. when I started watching it was on thursday night at 9:30 on much music. I remember needing special permission to stay up that late to watch. :lol:
                    Video_Jukebox's Avatar
                    1068 Posts
                    18 years, 2 months ago
                    Why was this particular episode (the one in the clip with that crazy dog-show guy) banned?

                    Apparently, Nickelodeon thought the scenes where Ren smacks the shinola out of George Liquor were too violent for kids. Games Animations were considering rewriting and reanimating it for the fifth season (after John K was fired) but it never happened.
                    "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
                    Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
                    What more can we do?"
                    --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
                      2623 Posts
                      18 years, 2 months ago
                      It SOOOOO wasn't banned. that episode and the space madness ones were the ones they played most often where I live. here's the actuall banned episode.
                        Video_Jukebox's Avatar
                        1068 Posts
                        18 years, 2 months ago
                        It SOOOOO wasn't banned. that episode and the space madness ones were the ones they played most often where I live. here's the actuall banned episode.

                        Yes, dear, I know that. I posted a link to that very same episode about four posts down from the original post. I was trying to explain to SSJ Jup81 why "Man's Best Friend" was banned.
                        "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
                        Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
                        What more can we do?"
                        --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
                          2623 Posts
                          18 years, 2 months ago
                          It SOOOOO wasn't banned. that episode and the space madness ones were the ones they played most often where I live. here's the actuall banned episode.

                          Yes, dear, I know that. I posted a link to that very same episode about four posts down from the original post. I was trying to explain to SSJ Jup81 why "Man's Best Friend" was banned.

                          :oops: I noticed that after I posted. :lol: The stimpys son episode was the first one i ever watched so once i read it was banned I hit post reply without reding any of the other posts. my bad
                            318 Posts
                            18 years, 2 months ago
                            it's funny what ppl. choose to ban..i see shit on tv all the time and they play it....and their banning ren and about all the sex and violence in all the stuff on now!!??
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