What's the top 10 best 80's animated shows in order? Whaddya think? I'm new, so I dunno what everyone's been talking about for the past forever, so this may prove interesting... to me anyways.
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What's the top 10 best 80's animated shows in order? Whaddya think? I'm new, so I dunno what everyone's been talking about for the past forever, so this may prove interesting... to me anyways.
1. Thundercats 2.He Man 3.Transformers 4.G.I Joe 5. Mr.T 6.Pac Man 7. Smurfs 8. Alvin and the Chipmunks 9.The Spiderman and Incredible Hulk Hour 9.Rainbow Brite 10. Voltron (I almost forgot this one)
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Umm the best 10 80's cartoon shows lets see
1. Thundercats 2.He Man 3.Transformers 4.G.I Joe 5. Mr.T 6.Pac Man 7. Smurfs 8. Alvin and the Chipmunks 9.The Spiderman and Incredible Hulk Hour 9.Rainbow Brite 10. Voltron (I almost forgot this one)