it's a 100 disc changer that my bro gave me hooked up to an old stereo froom the 80s with 16 speakers from 8 old stereos spliced togather. :lol:
Not an audiophile then?
"other speaker"
There's your problem then. Only using one speaker is not the best configuration.
Seriously though. How many other 'ahem' high end speakers have you tried? As I said before the frequency responses for Bose setups are comparatively poor for other systems at the same price point. For that price they should not be using paper cones or thin plastic/laminate board shells.
Bear in mind that 'power' is not the same as accuracy. I could make a powerful speaker myself using some basic parts and a coil of copper wire. It would sound like crap but it would be damned loud.
I can fully understand you trying to defend them to justify your purchase but it can be quantitavely shown that Bose are poor.
Sorry if I sound like i'm picking on anyone but I take sound quality very seriously and Bose don't cut the mustard. They are the iPod of speakers. Trendy but overpriced and sounding like crap against their less well known bretheren.
1) Why are you replying to yourself? Skipped some medication did you?
2) You are confusing volume with sound quality.
Brick_Wallfine then, what is the best
Depends on what you are willing to pay. Of those competing directly with Bose, I would consider Klipsch, Infinity, B&W, Paradigm etc. Which you choose as "best" boils down to personal preference.
Brick_Wallbose is the best. nothing is better.
You are wrong.
That is not my opinion, it is a statement of objective fact.
A sample of the response curves for the wave radio is here -
As you can see, it distorts horrifically.
Lou Reed would pay money not the hear BOSE.