Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
2505 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
so i clicked on this sight and it caused all kids of problems n downloaded some add for a virous protector and it installed itself on my computer, so i deleted the programs off my computer only thing is they are in the tooldbar still and you cant right click and delete them and they continue to be there even if i rebot, they are also causing all kinds of popups...please someone help me!!!
    Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
    2440 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    First don't click links on strange sites.

    2 use some sort of virus scan and scan your comp.
    Also try ad-aware and spybot.
    And just to be safe look for a CWS remover.

    Go to download.com and look for some free downloads.
    Ker click... Choom..
      adventure_of_link's Avatar
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Hmm.. does it post alerts that you might have such and such worm?

      I'd personally look those "worms" up on Google. If it's what I think it is, it's really scare-ware, tricking you into thinking you have a virus, but you really just really have this annoying little program and the only way you can get rid of it is to buy their software.

      You should be able to find some removal tools by searching Google.

      Also, I recommend anti-vir as your anti-virus solution, http://www.free-av.com
        Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
        2505 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        i have anti virous stuff allredy this shits just an add but yet is causes so many problems its been taken off my computer but the icons are still here n causeing problems so somehow i guess its still on but it wont dissapear..i think imma have to reformat or somthing,,dammit it all i have paper to write..sucks guys
          adventure_of_link's Avatar
          18 years, 1 month ago
          RB, next time you do reformat...

          Wait. First, what OS are you reinstalling? Because it would make reinstalls go A *LOT* easier if you make your C: drive smaller.

          Try making your C: partition like 5-10GB or so, and make a D: partition which takes up the rest of your drive.

          Also, make sure to have the DVD burner and lots of blank DVD's (or something) ready for backing up your data.
            2623 Posts
            18 years, 1 month ago
            so i clicked on this sight and it caused all kids of problems n downloaded some add for a virous protector and it installed itself on my computer, so i deleted the programs off my computer only thing is they are in the tooldbar still and you cant right click and delete them and they continue to be there even if i rebot, they are also causing all kinds of popups...please someone help me!!!

            you clicked on the britney and kevin tape link that was on here didn't you? well i did and now i'm having the exact same problem. curiosity killed this cat.
              adventure_of_link's Avatar
              18 years, 1 month ago
              Alright: I am now convinced that you are having the problem I discussed before.

              Just search Google for the supposed worm/virus(es) that you have, you'll get a removal tool for it.

              PS: I really think someone really should just report these bots to the FBI or something. :|
                JP's Avatar
                1826 Posts
                18 years, 1 month ago
                Try this site:


                It'll scan your computer and idenify unwanted files; ect. I've tried it before, and it works well. Look though the site to see if it's something you'll be interested in using before downloading anything, of course. :)

                Have any one else tried this site? what do you think of it?
                What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
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