The_Batman's Avatar
876 Posts
18 years, 1 month ago
Fellow Retro Junkies,

Sorry for the long story

I have a problem I'd like to share with ya'll.. ok it started last thursday. Ok I work in a en elementary school, and one day as I was monitoring the 5th grade lunch, one of the students got up from the isolation table, and tried sitting back at the table (please note that this kid is a trouble maker, thinks hes a thug, and I've had problems with him in the past.) Well I tell him to go back, he says, "no he wants to sit there." I keep tellin him he has to move back, (thats all I said, "Adan you have to move back, you were moved there for a reason now go.") Well, finally I get him and start moving him, he starts to let go of me I aint no faggot, (I stay calm) I keep moving him, again he states, "I ain't no faggot like you, let go of me n***a. I ain't scared of you!" ... Again I stay calm. Finally I manage to push him out of the cafeteria, and we go to the office. He's suspended for 3 days. During this time, I talk to the principal about what should happen, and I told her, "I wanna start picking him up for lunch, walking him to the cafeteria, making him read a book when he's done, and I'll walk him back to class." she agrees. He came back today.
So, I'm in the cafeteria checking on something, and one of the 4th grade teachers (his reading teacher) brings him in there and tells me, "Ten minutes late for school, and hes already being dissrespectful." So she sits him in the cafeteria with me, and I don't say anything to him. My co-worker goes up to him and asks, "You starting up already?" (You know getting on his case) I still don't say anything. Finally I go up to him, and tell him the new rule. I said, "Adan, I talked to Miss Lara, and as of today, you are no longer allowed to sit with the 5th grade class for lunch. I will start picking you up for lunch walking you to the cafeteria, and I'll pick you up when its time to go. During that time you are to eat, and when you're done, you'll be required to have a book, read and then do summaries." By now he starts looking worried, then I go, "If you have a problem with this, with siitting in the back of the cafeteria, and you wanna get kicked out, you can talk to Mrs. Lara and we can get you out of here." he says "Fine, I wanna get kicked out."
So, we go to the office. Finally we have a meeting about him, and I'm called. Basically I find out he is at risked of being kicked out, but I also found out he's special ed., But thats besides the point. Anyway now to my dilemma. During the meeting, I was getting ready to leave, as I'm walking out, the principal tells him to apologize, and I turn and look. He doesn't say anything. Finally I say, "I don't want his apology.", and as I'm walking out I said, "Screw it."
Well my co-worker heard what I said (the one who was getting on his case in the beginning) and says, "Man you're not acting professional, and that you're lucky you weren't fired, basically busting my balls, cos I don't bow down to this kid and by him a lollipop." I told him, "Man, you seperate him from everyone else, and you get in his face, you tell me all the time you wanna whoop his ass." So he goes, "Yeah, but I don't say "screw it" in front of children"..
First off, since when is "screw it" offensive and considered profanity?! I told him, "He's acting like a little bee-yotch about it, and I refused to be disrespected by anyone despite their age. I'm sorry, I have some self-respect, so basically he's making me out to be the villain." Now my question to you all, was I wrong for everything? Sorry for the long story, just had to get it out there.
"Keep the change you filthy animal..."
    100 Posts
    18 years, 1 month ago
    maybe the kid is like me and cant respect anyone who cant spell 'to' and 'you'. lol

    no but seriously, it sounds like your co-worker is full of it. chances are the kids parents wouldnt be the slightest bit disturbed by somebody saying 'screw it.' but it really shouldnt be an issue. its not like you dropped an f-bomb.
    Im sorry, but our princess is at another castle.
      JP's Avatar
      1826 Posts
      18 years, 1 month ago
      Well, saying "Screw it' probably wasn't the best idea, but you were probably fustrated with the whole thing already. I think you should've said something along the lines of "When he's ready to appologize, I'll be in my classroom" or something.
      What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
        Thylacine's Avatar
        1525 Posts
        18 years, 1 month ago
        I don't think you were wrong at all. If people can't handle hearing "Screw it" when they probably say much worse things, then they got problems.

        Now, about people giving you crap because you don't bow down to anyone, that's wrong. In this case, a little "tough love" never hurt anyone and everyone should just let you do your thing.
        "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
        -Rampage, Beast Wars

          retroguy78's Avatar
          597 Posts
          18 years, 1 month ago
          In your defense: The boy is obviously a discipline case.

          I blame it on all the violent video games and rap videos. What we are experiencing now is a decline in Western Civilization. His dad's probably a f***ing alcoholic who abuses his family, and his mom is a crackwhore.

          I bet this kid is so bad that he'll end up trailer trash someday. He'll have a really crappy job, quite possibly as a custodian (I don't mean to offend any custodians here). His girlfriend would probably be butt-ugly, missing several teeth and probably be a meth addict. They will fight constantly to the point where he kills her, sets the house on fire, and tries to take his own life.

          My Counterargument: Saying "Screw It" was not a wise thing to say. "Forget it" would have been a little more appropriate to say around a 10 or 11 year old. [Now I sound like my mother here]

          My point is: Kids are getting more and more arrogant every generation. It'll probably be really hard when I have kids and the social environment they'll be exposed to at school. I want to raise my children to be moral and decent. This world is just getting creepier and creepier as we speak.
            65 Posts
            18 years, 1 month ago
            As a former juvenile correctional officer, I would have to say that was unprofessional. Regardless of the what mentality the kid has, you as an employer need to keep a professional attitude while at work. Yes, saying "screw it" is unprofessional because it portrays that you do not care about the childs well being as a teacher. It also demonstrates a negative attitude, which the child obviously has some issues dealing with , so you are actually reinforcing this behavior upon him. Saying "screw it in that enviroment with impressionable children IS unprofessional.
            Not to be so negative, but you are a teacher with that kind of grammer? Not only is it atrocious but its nearly unreadable. I highly recomend you sit down with your students and allow them to teach you to write.
              79987 Posts
              18 years, 1 month ago
              Some people just need a good, old-fashioned, shit-ruining kick in the arse, and that seems to be the case with this prospect of antisocial scum :mrgreen:
                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                18 years, 1 month ago
                jesus christ we need to stop being pussies :roll:

                also, OP edited to get rid of the MASSIVE netspeak (yes I will attempt to do this at 11:14PM at night)

                edit: fixed.


                so what, you were being home edition, media center edition, embedded edition, or tablet PC edition? :lol:
                  659 Posts
                  18 years, 1 month ago
                  look im 18 and i find it just plain wrong to have children disrecpect adults. yes what you said could have been better thought out, hell you could of even tried to explain the severity(sp) of the situation. but saying screw it is not an option... that happened to me once, a teacher said screw it to me, and i told him f***k you cause if he is not going to give me the proper education then i might as well find it some place else.
                  If you want to play and be a vampire click the link if not dont.

                    79987 Posts
                    18 years, 1 month ago
                    you do not care about the childs well being

                    And you don't care about possessive apostrophes.

                    Saying "screw it in that enviroment with impressionable children IS unprofessional

                    It's not nearly as unprofessional as forgetting to close quotation marks.

                    you are a teacher with that kind of grammer?

                    My irony has a first name, it's grammAr...

                    but its nearly unreadable

                    And so is "its".

                    I highly recomend you sit down with your students and allow them to teach you to write

                    And I highly recomMend you to take part of that class. :mrgreen:
                      adventure_of_link's Avatar
                      18 years, 1 month ago
                      Oh jeez.. I didn't expect this to turn into a grammar pick-out fest D:<

                      WHAT HAVE I DONE :cry:
                        79987 Posts
                        18 years, 1 month ago
                        Residential Millirary School would show him just how thugged out and hard he really is. An hour into it and he would be begging for a simple "screw it" remark. they don't play games in these places. I came to learn this very well.
                          The_Batman's Avatar
                          876 Posts
                          18 years, 1 month ago
                          1st off thank you to everyone who has replied.

                          2ndly thank you to everyone who has agreed with me

                          now for those who still may think Im in the wrong, let me point some stuff out..

                          1st off the kid is a very big discipline problem, and from what i hear, hes been that way since kinder.True, his parents DON'T really love him (in fact during his suspension he spent 3 days outside his dads job doing nothing.

                          2nd, like I said, i have had numerous problems with him, and like he said in the meeting about me "I dont like him" (yes he said that about me).

                          Never have i "provoked" this kid like my co worker insist i fact he says im doing everything to torture the boy, when in fact A) he went up to him first and talked to him, and got on his case B) he moves him on a regualr basis during lunch. SO as i process how much trouble we have with him at lunch, i figure, why not just move him the whole year, that way we dont have to worry about him and his behavior (FOR THE RECORD<I"M NOT THE BOYS TEACHER, IN FACT IM JUST A MATH TUTOR THERE), im not getting payed enough to deal with his attitude, and his sas talk. hes lucky i didnt break his jaw for some of the stuff he told me.

                          Basically here was mentatlity during the whole thing. Hes a discipline problem, we constantly move him at lunch, and I'm not getting payed well enough to deal with why not just move him away from everyone, and i dont have to worry as much.

                          As for the screw it part, yes i was fustrated, but mainly I didnt want an apology from him. Apologies dont mean shit to me, whats done is done, no sorry can take it back, especially since he doesnt mean it..because any apology from him wont be sincere.

                          As for Retroguy78 saying kids are becoming more arrogant every year..hes right, they are.

                          Bottom line is i still say my co worker is full of it, cuz hes a guy that will play loud music, and say crap when students are in the room.. but i say "SCREW IT" and im a bad person..what the fuck is that.. I didnt drop any F-Bombs i didnt cll him any names. i didnt flip him off.

                          AND one liast thing. They use the Dad not being around alot, as some what of an excuse for his behavior. Him and his mom dont get along. Him and his dad dont get along. Hes "Special- Ed" so they say. But to me thats no excuse for disrespect. I gre up without a father, and my mom worked late sometimes, and i was an only child...And never did i feel that i could dissrespect an adult., back when i was younger, regardless of who you were, if you said those words to an were slapped in the face. But then again, maybe I am wrong about everything.
                          "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
                            65 Posts
                            18 years, 1 month ago
                            Well thank you Punky for showing me my errors! I never claimed to be a stellar english teacher, but I see you didn't get to see the innitial question before it was eddited. It was hardly readable. Grammar mistakes arent a big deal but if the person typing is a teacher shouldnt they be held in higher standards?? These are the people that are teaching our kids. I dont think posting in online forums like these are a big deal when it comes to punctuations and spelling, however when someone is trying to ask a serious question to a community and its hardly readable and on top of that doesn't understand why saying "screw it" is unprofessional in that enviroment warrants a little criticism. An example of what we had to attempt to desipher- Dew yu me underst3nd wat tiping? Thats just a sentence, try reading a whole paragraph like that!
                              ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
                              18 years, 1 month ago
                              I think you did the right thing man.
                                2623 Posts
                                18 years, 1 month ago
                                hes lucky i didnt break his jaw for some of the stuff he told me.

                                you're hardcore :roll:
                                  CenturyNEXT's Avatar
                                  118 Posts
                                  18 years, 1 month ago
                                  I don't see how you could've handled it any better. That kid's issues start with his folks, and only them. They obviously didn't teach anything of proper behavior. And people are so quick to blame televised violence and video games, but ask yourself, where are the parents in all this? Children know right from wrong, he chose wrong, you just continue to do your job, and let his parents figure out what to do with him.
                                  Maybe the kid a attention issues, and seeks it out no matter if it's negative or positive. If that's the case, don't treat him any different you would another student. Infact, don't pay attention to any of his antics and just send him to what ever disciplinary action you take, with out a word. You don't have to explain anything to him if he cooses to be that way.
                                  Until then, screw it and stay cool.
                                  Hats off to you.

                                    2623 Posts
                                    18 years, 1 month ago
                                    if you're a math tutor why are you beings asked to handle disiplinary acts during lunch hour? it's not your job.
                                      The_Batman's Avatar
                                      876 Posts
                                      18 years, 1 month ago
                                      if you're a math tutor why are you beings asked to handle disiplinary acts during lunch hour? it's not your job.

                                      they have us tutors, and teacher aides to watch a lunch period, so the teachers can have their mandatory duty free lunch.
                                      "Keep the change you filthy animal..."
                                        JP's Avatar
                                        1826 Posts
                                        18 years, 1 month ago
                                        if you're a math tutor why are you beings asked to handle disiplinary acts during lunch hour? it's not your job.

                                        they have us tutors, and teacher aides to watch a lunch period, so the teachers can have their mandatory duty free lunch.

                                        makes sense. They want to eat just like everyone else.
                                        What is popular isn't always right; What is Right isn't always popular.
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