83 Posts
18 years ago
how do you make lyrics appears for songs on MP3 Players?
    thecrow174's Avatar
    9986 Posts
    18 years ago
    I didn't even know you can make lyrics appear on an MP3 player. :?

    Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at
      ek's Avatar
      426 Posts
      18 years ago
      Ya Ive never heard of an mp3 player doing that either. Also if your asking a question like that you should probably say what brand /model your mp3 player is because they are not all made the same.
        1494 Posts
        18 years ago
        how do you make lyrics appears for songs on MP3 Players?

        You have to have a player that supports lyrics. Do you?
          ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
          18 years ago
          What does this have to do with RetroJunk?
            thecrow174's Avatar
            9986 Posts
            18 years ago
            Maybe nothing since MP3 players aren't considered retro.

            Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at
              adventure_of_link's Avatar
              18 years ago
              And moved to chit chat.
                Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                2505 Posts
                18 years ago
                  Caramel's Avatar
                  82 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  you cant
                    Edymnion's Avatar
                    2304 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    With a normal player, you can't.
                    You would need a player that supported that on a hardware level, and you would need specially prepared MP3s that had the lyric information stored in them. Just like any old CD won't put words on the screen in a karioke machine, you have to buy special karioke disks that have the lyrics programmed into it.

                      Freya's Avatar
                      153 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      I just got an MP3 for Christmas and I can't get the back open to put the battery in. Why is the back so darn hard to get open?
                      All shall fear me for I fight with the powers of Neptune..........
                        adventure_of_link's Avatar
                        18 years ago
                        Try getting it open with a coin or flat-head screwdriver

                        or if it's screwed down to the case, unscrew the screw
                          Freya's Avatar
                          153 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          Thanks for the tip adventure_of_link
                          All shall fear me for I fight with the powers of Neptune..........
                            adventure_of_link's Avatar
                            18 years ago
                            no problem.

                            it should be obvious though. Just play with your toys more, and/or read the documentation. It's not like your mp3 player is gonna bite you, and that's why things are documented, people. :|
                              SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                              4806 Posts
                              18 years ago
                              The mp3 player I received doesn't require me to do that for the battery. At least, I don't think it does because I don't recall reading it. The one I have has that USB cable (naturally for the transfer of files), and when sticking it into the computer and the other end into the mp3 player, it charges the battery for you.

                              I'm not sure if this is common or not because I'm not very knowledgable about things like mp3 players.
                                adventure_of_link's Avatar
                                18 years ago
                                My mp3 player just uses the usb cord for

                                1. the transfer of files

                                that is all. Nifty feature tho. Is your player one of those ipods, ssj jup?
                                  SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                  4806 Posts
                                  18 years ago
                                  My mp3 player just uses the usb cord for

                                  1. the transfer of files

                                  that is all. Nifty feature tho. Is your player one of those ipods, ssj jup?
                                  No, it's not an iPod.
                                    18 years ago
                                    Neither is mine.
                                      SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                      4806 Posts
                                      18 years ago
                                      Okay, I decided to put up the stats on this mp3 player. Well, what it is anyway.

                                      Type: Sansa e200
                                      Space: 6GB

                                      Features: Record; Strap Eyelet; Microphone slot; Hold: locks/unlocks controls; Earphone port; Display window; Thumbwheel (menu/volume); Select Button; Up button: Pause/Resume; Left button: Previous/Rewind; Down button: Sub-menu; Right button: Forward; Power button: Menu/Reset; Dock Connector Port; microSD Cardslot.
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