Larivee's Avatar
323 Posts
18 years ago
how do I upload pics to my retro junk pic folder dillie for articles?
" Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
    Fatal_Fury's Avatar
    209 Posts
    18 years ago
    Hiya Larivee :)

    you might want to give this place a go for uploading pics Its easy and they don't charge for membership. 8)
      Larivee's Avatar
      323 Posts
      18 years ago
      lol yea I have a photobucket, but it said no outside linking and what not on the webpage so dont I have to upload right to RJ some how?
      " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
        777 Posts
        18 years ago
        This isn't a surrender, this is what in the military we call a total a$$ kicking

          Larivee's Avatar
          323 Posts
          18 years ago
          har har
          " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
            Armed_Revolt's Avatar
            636 Posts
            18 years ago
            Theres nothing in the Article Writer's forum or troubleshooting?
              Larivee's Avatar
              323 Posts
              18 years ago
              couldent find anything no, I even used fourm seach and the site search to try and find something
              " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
                Armed_Revolt's Avatar
                636 Posts
                18 years ago
                couldent find anything no, I even used fourm seach and the site search to try and find something

                I've never had any luck searching for stuff here. PM Byrd Man, I'm sure youll get an answer quicker that way.
                  Fatal_Fury's Avatar
                  209 Posts
                  18 years ago
                  lol yea I have a photobucket, but it said no outside linking and what not on the webpage so dont I have to upload right to RJ some how?

                  Thats bit weird. Everyone uses either imageshack or photobucket in forums all the time. Ok if you member with Photobucket any pics you have saved off the net in your pics folder on your comp you can upload that image to My Album on photobucket, when you have done that go to your My Album and view the pics that you have upload there. Then tick in the small box next to the pic that wanna post or use as a sig here on RJ

                  Then hit the Generate HTML and IMG code button on the button of the screen and it will take you to a page where you can copy and paste that pic HTML image link to anywhere you want to on your signture in your profile or on post message area.

                  hope this helps :)
                    Larivee's Avatar
                    323 Posts
                    18 years ago
                    no no, I know how to post images to fourms I do it all the time, i am talking for the main webpage, I just finished my article and I need the pics for it to be uploaded
                    " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
                      Fatal_Fury's Avatar
                      209 Posts
                      18 years ago
                      no no, I know how to post images to fourms I do it all the time, i am talking for the main webpage, I just finished my article and I need the pics for it to be uploaded

                      Oh! :lol: you mean for RJ webpage for the Articles section, You gonna have to talk with Byrd about that one 8)
                        Larivee's Avatar
                        323 Posts
                        18 years ago
                        lol, boes ok well hopefully it hey comes back soon ^_^
                        " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
                          Larivee's Avatar
                          323 Posts
                          18 years ago
                          hehe got the issue sorted out, look for my article " the evloution of teddy ruxpin"
                          " Waka Waka Waka Waka..... "
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