Edymnion's Avatar
2304 Posts
18 years ago
So yeah, I finally got around to buying Yellow Lion the other night, and I've been watching the extras on it, and it really got me thinking.

We need a *GOOD* Voltron remake. Not necissarily with the same characters, and not that awful 3D one, but just take the core elements of Voltron and rebuild it.

For example, the original didn't bring it up *TOO* often, but the lions were each elementally themed, and alive in their own right. I believe there was only one episode where it really hit on the elemental nature of the lions, when a robeast evaporated all the water on planet Aeris, and without water, the blue lion wouldn't activate. It was also done with where each lion slept.

Yellow Lion was the incarnation of Earth, Red Lion was fire, Blue Lion water, Green Lion was the embodiment of life, and Black Lion was the incarnation of Air and the sky. When combined, Voltron wasn't just a fighter, he was a force of nature.

And each Lion was more than just a robot, they were alive. They roared because they wanted to roar, not because Keith pushed the roar button. The only other show I can think of that really did that was Zoids, especially the one with Bit and the white liger. I'd love to see a new Voltron emphasize that the pilots are guiding the Lions, and that it is the Lions themselves that decide exactly what they are going to do and how they are going to do it. Have the pilot get knocked unconcious, and let the Lion keep on fighting. And have more episodes revolving around lion team combat. Make forming Voltron something that doesn't happen every episode, but a "Oh crap, its on now!" moment.

Another facet that would need emphasizing, IMO, is that Voltron is *OLD*. And I don't mean the show is old, but that Voltron is supposed to be millenia old. The artwork in the DVD sets show this very nicely, as the closeups of the lion heads show them as being cracked, dented, and battle scarred. Voltron and the Lions represent the ressurection of the past, glory renewed and honor reborn. I would want to see a scene similar to the beginning of Stargazers, where the Yamamoto raises from the sea floor, called to duty once again.

And with the censors being a little less harsh now than they were in the 80's, it could actually bring back the more mature issues the original Go Lions dealt with (like Sven actually dying).

Yeah, I know it would never happen, or if it did, they would find some way to screw it up, but its nice to dream...

    ducktalesfan1977's Avatar
    18 years ago
    I own that too.
      Brick_Wall's Avatar
      1435 Posts
      17 years, 11 months ago
      why didnt you just post this in chat room?
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