xXRedRangerFanxX's Avatar
17 years, 11 months ago
Hey people who remembers DZ Discovery Zone, it was a lot like Chuck E. Cheeses. I was only there once for a birthday party in Kindergarten and I am curious does anyone remember this place? Thanks :D :D
Alpha we need five teenagers with attitude!-Zordon
    thecrow174's Avatar
    9986 Posts
    17 years, 11 months ago
    I remember Discovery Zone.

    Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at Retro-daze.org.
      79987 Posts
      17 years, 11 months ago
      The Discovery Zone...my favorite childhood hang out! I would go in get lost in that place for hours! My mom would take my sister and I, or me and some friends at least a couple times a month. She would wait out in the front room, or lobby, and read a book while we went in and had a blast. Every once and awhile, I would get really thirsty, and go out to where my mom was and have a sip of Pepsi to "recharge" my energy, then run right back in. I was very sad when our Discovery Zone was turned into a clothing store...even though I was already to old at the time to go in. And then....they completely bulldozed the whole building and turned it into a parking lot!! What's wrong with people??? Kids need to have some kind of place to go and have fun!!!
        xXRedRangerFanxX's Avatar
        17 years, 11 months ago
        I am so glad people actually remember this place because I loved the place like crazy even if I was only there once. Hey retromaniac I did the same thing when I was little, I was 5 at the time and that place was the coolest place I have ever seen. I know what you mean retromaniac how they have to take away cool stuff from young kids but when I get enough money I plan on making a place where kids can have fun it will be fun becasue parents can also have fun.
        Alpha we need five teenagers with attitude!-Zordon
          548 Posts
          17 years, 11 months ago
          I too remember this place. I have been there a few times. The tubes and balls were fun. I did play Cruis'n USA plenty and towards the end of the era the MIB Laser Tag rocked, but I am a major laser tag fan, so go figure.
          The Tall Man: "You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us!"
            Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
            2505 Posts
            17 years, 11 months ago
            ya i recall that name ..all tose type places are awesome man if there was one for adult sized people i'd go..i have often thought about building a giant ballroom
              180 Posts
              17 years, 11 months ago
              Oh my gosh I wanted to go there so badly when I was a kid. I remember when I was seven I had to go to the hospital in New Orleans and we were supposed to go afterward but my dad couldn't find it. :cry:
                17 years, 11 months ago
                I went here like every time in two weeks! They turned mine into a Best Buy and My favorite thing to do there was we had a hang glider and you would ride it and crash into a foam wall and fall into a pit of crushed foam... I LOVED D.Z !!
                  Nashida's Avatar
                  228 Posts
                  17 years, 11 months ago
                  I remember that place...there used to be two of them around here. One in Shrewsbury and I think another one on rt 9 somewhere.

                  The ones I used to go to all the time has this red slide in the back that almost went at a 90 degree angle, and I wouldn't go down it unless I turned around and went down feet first on my stomach. Then there was that one slide thing that had all those little roller things, and someone was at the bottom telling you to keep your hands up so they wouldn't get caught.

                  Oh...this has brought back so many memories....I didn't play very many games, I was there for the climbing area. Ooh, I still have one of the tokens lying around here! Gotta find it...
                  These aren't my rules. Come to think of it, I don't have any rules.

                    402 Posts
                    17 years, 11 months ago
                    I had two birthday parties there (both of which are on tape), went there numerous times with my friends, and have a lot of good memories.

                    I used to "recharge" like some of you guys, but it wasn't Pepsi for me, it was cotton candy.

                    Adults could go in too, you know. Well, you've got to find some little kid to go with but you could go in--the first time I went I was four and my mom went in.

                    My favorite arcade game there was Wacky Gator. There were five alligator heads that came out and you had to hit them. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

                    The one with the restriction was McDonald's, they had a 4ft height clearance. Shame on them.

                    EDIT: The roller slide...be careful if you're wearing shorts! There's this clip I have of my buddy going down it and he got the end of his shorts in the roller so he came down with his shorts half up in the back (you can't see it in the video) and he's like "Ohhh, my legs!"

                    Also, DZ was NOT like Chuck E. Cheese. DZ was the fitness and discovery playground, not the filthy pizza parlor (not a fan of Chuck's--never thought it was clean and hated the pizza). They always kept my DZ up really well but sadly it closed and became an English pub.

                    And as for the giant ballroom...would we include the needles in it?
                      434 Posts
                      17 years, 11 months ago
                      That place was a bit after my time...I bet my kid would have liked it though.
                        84 Posts
                        17 years, 11 months ago
                        yeah chuck e cheese is really dirty :shock: they had all this old gum stuck everywhere in the tunnels and once there was puke in a tunnel :?

                        anyway they closed DZ around where i live, but i did go there at least twice back in the day.
                        Hold on baby, please, go get on yo', knees
                        If you don't do it for me then do it for the, cheese
                          79987 Posts
                          17 years, 11 months ago
                          My favorite arcade game there was Wacky Gator. There were five alligator heads that came out and you had to hit them. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

                          Hey, ours had that too. In fact...it was the only game there! Of course, I didn't go there to play games. And yeah, I went down that roller slide a lot too. I was always wearing shorts when I went to DZ, but they never got stuck in the rollers.
                            pikachulover's Avatar
                            2944 Posts
                            17 years, 11 months ago
                            I do there was one by my local mall, but I never got to go to it. :(

                            Shouldn't this thread be moved to Memory Lane?
                              402 Posts
                              17 years, 11 months ago
                              My favorite arcade game there was Wacky Gator. There were five alligator heads that came out and you had to hit them. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about.

                              Hey, ours had that too. In fact...it was the only game there! Of course, I didn't go there to play games. And yeah, I went down that roller slide a lot too. I was always wearing shorts when I went to DZ, but they never got stuck in the rollers.

                              We usually wore shorts, but one time I went in jeans. Biggest mistake ever--I was so sticky and so roasting. I also went home with a cold because I chose to go in the middle of February when colds spread like wildfire, especially at DZ.
                                777 Posts
                                17 years, 11 months ago
                                i remember it, i onl went their once
                                This isn't a surrender, this is what in the military we call a total a$$ kicking

                                  63 Posts
                                  17 years, 11 months ago
                                  I think I was almost too old for it when it first got popular and our small town finally got one but I had a little sister, so I had the perfect excuse to run around it too, especially as she would never come out when it was time to go. She was one of those kids who if you called and told it was time to leave she would find the most remote corner in the place and hide there. (Who knew someone that cute could be that obstinate!) I loved it though…except the musty smell in all the tube things…
                                  "Its the most fun in the park, when you're laughing in the dark...."
                                    PoopsMcGee's Avatar
                                    473 Posts
                                    17 years, 11 months ago
                                    I remeber when I went there like a ton of times. The best part was the lazer tag or all those damn tubes. What a blast! :lol:
                                      584 Posts
                                      17 years, 11 months ago
                                      oh i certainly remember that place, it was huge! it became a car dealership around my 7th grade year.

                                      has anyone noticed that places like these dont seem as popular as they used to be.
                                        402 Posts
                                        17 years, 11 months ago
                                        That's because of what some place found in their ball pits. Needles laced with drugs.

                                        And yes, DZ wasn't the only one. There was also a chain called Leaps and Bounds which was also really nice. I think DZ owned them--it was at least twice the size of DZ.
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