82 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Since there is upcoming movies on based on "Transformers", "He-Man", "Voltron", "Bucky O'Hare" and "G.I. Joe", there should be a possible Thundercats movie and if so, who would you cast?

Lion-O: Nicolas Cage.
Cheetara: Naomi Watts.
Panthro: Samuel L. Jackson.
Voice of Snarf: Seth Mcfarlane.
Tigra: Heath Ledger or Matt Damon.
Mumm-Ra: Gary Oldman.
    mikee_kid12's Avatar
    640 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    CGI or classic animation is who I'd cast. And then the above voices of everyone you chose, lol. Thundercats would come off as cheesy in live-action. What works in one meduim does not always work well in another, and thats when people nit-pick about the adaptation whether or not the film turns out to be good.

    I'm not saying its a stupid idea or anything, I'm saying anyone who pulls off making a decent live-action film adaptation of the Thundercats would be a genius in my book.

    But just for S & G's:

    Lion-O: Gordon Shumway
    Cheetara: Naomi Watts.*agree
    Panthro: Samuel L. Jackson.
    Voice of Snarf: Seth Mcfarlane.*agree
    Tigra: Frank Oz
    Mumm-Ra: Bill Cosby
      4135 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      I would cast all unknowns and put Peter Jackson in the director's chair
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        Lion-O: Hugh Jackman
        Cheetara: Cameron Diaz
        Panthro: Kelsey Grammer (he played beast in xmen, and panthro looks like beast.)
        Voice of Snarf: Andy Serkis
        Tygra: Vin Diesel
        Mumm-Ra: Tim Curry
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