War-Lord's Avatar
176 Posts
17 years, 11 months ago
Though Summer away from school isn't for another three months. I might as well start my checklist. Each year me and my friends make a checklist of stupid stuff and new hobbies to get into before summer ends. So this year we want to make this one our best yet with dumb hobbies and stupid ideas to do. Thats where you guys come in. We were thinking of having new weird hobbies. We are the adventurous type so we like adventurous hobbies. So far to give you guys of an idea of a checklist heres some stuff we have came up with.

Heres new hobbies we are getting into.
Making Mini Movies
Urban Exploration

and heres some other stuff we are going to do.
Become Hobos
Find a dirt or grass sled or skateboard and go down this 600 foot ski-hill.

So far thats it can anyone help us with some more.
    2694 Posts
    17 years, 11 months ago
    nice choices so far! How about....travel around and see how many bridges and cliffs you can find to jump off of into rivers or lakes and whatnot. Dangerous yet satisfying.
      War-Lord's Avatar
      176 Posts
      17 years, 11 months ago
      I like that actually. We might do that we do have lots of cliffs around here to do that. Thanks nippy.
        2694 Posts
        17 years, 11 months ago
        No worries, bro. Just don't bust an eardrum like I did...that shit lasts forever.
          adventure_of_link's Avatar
          17 years, 11 months ago
          I going to kick trolls asses all summer long.
            2694 Posts
            17 years, 11 months ago
            i going to kick emos asses all summer long.

            ...and we all believe you because how you act in this forum doesn't at all make you look like a juvenile with self-esteem issues, right?;)
              War-Lord's Avatar
              176 Posts
              17 years, 11 months ago
              LMAO that was great.

              Can anyone else think of anything?
                68 Posts
                17 years, 11 months ago
                well what always works for me is see how long you can live in a tent in public like a park or something it draws attention and its lots of fun to have random people ask you why you live in a ten in the park
                  War-Lord's Avatar
                  176 Posts
                  17 years, 11 months ago
                  Lockett I think you are intent on not lasting here very long arent you?
                    Armed_Revolt's Avatar
                    636 Posts
                    17 years, 11 months ago
                    I don't know where you live, but heading to a creek in the mountains (or a state park will do) and then trying to live off the land for a weekend is awesome. Take a couple cans of spaghetti o's just for an emergency, but get all of your food from fishing or rabbit traps and the like.
                      War-Lord's Avatar
                      176 Posts
                      17 years, 11 months ago
                      Dude that sounds awesome. I will add that to the list.

                      Anyone else?

                      edit by mod: double-post, please use the button next time
                        War-Lord's Avatar
                        176 Posts
                        17 years, 11 months ago
                        Anyone else?
                          79987 Posts
                          17 years, 11 months ago
                          Having mass-water gun wars that span neighborhoods. Always fun. Oh, and can't forget the most juvenile yet satisfying game there is! THE SUPER POWERS GAME!

                          Everyone picks a 2 powers and you guys just run around calling/acting out your power and trying to defeat the other people. Its only fun if there's no instant death moves or anything.

                          (the "time stop" move seems to be quite effective :) )
                            War-Lord's Avatar
                            176 Posts
                            17 years, 11 months ago
                            Well we like dangerous stuff or extreamly stupid stuff got anything like that?
                              79987 Posts
                              17 years, 11 months ago
                              Well, I suppose there's always the Pelting.

                              Its kinda dumb, but you basically have one person stand up against a wall and throw wall balls (has to be wall balls, they make the best noise on contact) at him as hard as you can. Once he's had enough, the next person goes, and so on. Its retarded, but sometimes you laugh to the point of crying at your friends pain.
                                Daniel85's Avatar
                                1699 Posts
                                17 years, 11 months ago
                                Riding a bike off a ramp into a river is always fun. Just make sure you tie a lifejacket to the front of the bike or something so you don't lose it to the depths.
                                  Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                                  5870 Posts
                                  17 years, 11 months ago
                                  Hey war-lord, I dig your idea of urban exploration. If you're into dumpster diving, hit high-priced student housing districts right when school is letting out. They are the most wasteful segment of the population, and I can tell you that I've saved hundreds of dollars by getting shit out of the dumpster that I might otherwise have to purchase at retail price(NOOO!). (Lots of cool, non-useful, finds too... notebooks, notes, journals, etc.)

                                  Making little movies with friends was a favorite of mine when I was in middle school/early high school. We only had a big, blocky VHS camcorder, so it was pretty much impossible to edit, besides re-recording over a portion you may have messed up on.

                                  I could not live in a tent in a park where I live, because I would be mugged within seconds, but it sounds like a nice idea.

                                  Unfortunately, I have an internship that will take up my ENTIRE summer, and my next summer will be spent as part of the workforce, so lazy summers are unfortunately a thing of the past for me, but its good to hear of people that are still keeping the dream alive!

                                  I'm trying to understand what cryptozoology is: crypto=code zoo=animal ology=study of. So, is it the study of animal codes?
                                    2694 Posts
                                    17 years, 11 months ago
                                    another fun and illegal thing that my friends and I used to do....

                                    Create a handicapped parking stencil template and spraypaint half the parking spots in the school parking lot. We also epoxied a stand-up handicapped parking sign to the top of our school's sign. Ahh, I miss those days...
                                      Armed_Revolt's Avatar
                                      636 Posts
                                      17 years, 11 months ago
                                      When I was about twenty, we went into Research Triangle Park and replaced a 55 MPH street sign with a 25 Mph one we got from in town, then put a flashing yellow light we took form a construction barricade on top of it. Lay back a bit and watch all the cars screech in panic!
                                        2694 Posts
                                        17 years, 11 months ago
                                        Hahaha....messing with traffic was entertaining back in the day. I got arrested for it once, though....my friends and I rearranged traffic barricades to block of busy streets at night, got caught.
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