Brick_Wall's Avatar
1435 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Sometimes when you talk about a new movie that has been been released, you often hear, "I think I will wait for the video".

So now, you speak out. Do you like watching movie as soon as they come out. Or do you like to wait for movie to come out on video.

I happen to like to wait for the dvd of any movie to come out rather than going to a theater. Unless I really want to see the movie, I wont go. In fact, the latest movie I saw in theaters was Shrek 2. No wait, Happy Feet

Reasons why
1. The ticket and popcorn price
2. The chatter, laughing, and downrigh rudness of the audience
3. If I want to see the movie agian, I would have to pay another $9.50, for the mattenee price.

So what do you do?
    584 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    reason number 1 that you mentioned. movies are too expensive nowadays and i'm sick of spending all that money on it.
      ek's Avatar
      426 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      usually video but there are exeptions. Generally I will wait untill it is on video unless I really want to see it and/or it is one of those huge epic movies (lord of the rings, star wars, 300, etc).
        pikachulover's Avatar
        2944 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        If I really want to see the movie I will go to the theater. I usually go to about 1-3 movies per year.
          Daniel85's Avatar
          1699 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          The only reasons I still see movies at the theatre are a) if they're touchstone movies (I don't mean the Disney studio, I mean like a cultural touchstone) or b) to do something with friends. I saw POTC 2 because it's a cultural phenomenon. I saw Night At The Museum because my best friend and I were bored. Oh, and there's c) if a film so intrigues me that I can't wait a few months to see it. I saw Pan's Labyrinth for that reason.

          Other than that, I'm quite happy watching a movie on the trusty LCD at home with microwave popcorn.
            Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
            2505 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            ill do eather, but it makes sence to see it in theaters and then buy it so you at least know if its worth buying or not, what i like to do is go on sites that have new released movies and watch them there for free.. if i find dvds that are cheap i will buy them and if i find retro dvds that are expensive i will buy them because retro things are always worth it
              Daniel85's Avatar
              1699 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              Call me old-fashioned, but I still like seeing movies at the theatre.

              I like the waking, 90-minute dreams that the Sandmen from the Hollywood dream factory blow into our eyes with a handful of popcorn and a drawing of the curtains.

              Too bad movies suck these days. And the popcorn's usually stale.
                548 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                I would have to go with video since films these days stink so much they deserve to all go straight to video. Besides there is more of a chance that that underrated gem like Slither (Probably the best film of the decade) can get to a broader audience.
                The Tall Man: "You think that when you die, you go to Heaven. You come to us!"
                  180 Posts
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  I haven't been to the movie theater in close to 2 and a half years(last time I went I saw Team America). That's not by choice though. It's just that I'm not driving yet and I just can't seem to get my friends together to get to a movie. And I'm not going to go with my parents, so video's the way to go. But hopefully I'll get my liscense soon and I can't start going to the movie theater.
                    402 Posts
                    17 years, 10 months ago
                    Here's my rationale on things:

                    1. A video rental usually costs a few bucks. I'm pretty sure it's about $2 around here (I should know, I just rented one tonight). Meanwhile, it's like $9 at the theater. If you want to buy the movie and watch it over and over for eternity (aka buy the video) it's usually $15-20, or roughly two movie tickets. I only buy a movie if I've seen it and really like it. Sometimes that initial screening will come on a rental.

                    2. The cost of refreshments. My favorite technique for going to the theater happened a few years ago when McDonald's sold 44 oz drinks. In the summer of 2002, they had these exchange students working there. One was a really cute German girl and she would always give me a 44 oz water for free instead of making me pay for the cup (most places give you a child cup if you ask for water). I'd take that and only buy the popcorn. Well, then the popcorn price went up, the girl left for Germany, and I switched to chewing gum. One piece usually gets me through the average movie, I bring two if it's a long one. If they're bought in bulk (multipack) they're like three cents a stick. But seriously, you can spend more on refreshments than a ticket.

                    3. Comfort factor. The theater in my area was built in 1978 or so. It also looks and feels like something built in 1978, wear and tear included. The seats are ripped, the floors are sticky--the area's not run down at all, you'd think there would be a better theater. The screens aren't that good either, and I have two choices--sit in the back and not be able to see that well because the screen's blurry from age or sit in the front and strain my neck to see the movie. At home, I have my easy chair and a 24" Sony Wega. It's a CRT TV, only two years old, and is sharper than the movie screen. Brighter, too.

                    4. The one aspect where a theater may get a nod is when you're meeting a bunch of people. My place isn't the best for watching a movie. I really designed it for one person to watch TV, but have enough chairs sitting around that people can pull them up, or just sit on the floor--that makes eight chairs, my easy chair, and also my ottoman. Of those eight chairs, only one has a padded back. None of them rock, and most are folding chairs. The most I've had over since I got this place in December is four and we all sat on the floor to watch a football game.

                    5. Now if it's one other person, like if I want to have a romantic evening with a lady, the place could possibly work out. The easy chair is big enough to fit two very snugly. Also, at least for me, I like to keep affection mostly in private, so I wouldn't have to worry about anyone staring at me if I kissed her or something.

                    6. My dog can sit around with me at home. No go at the theater. That right there makes home the superior choice.
                      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                      5870 Posts
                      17 years, 10 months ago
                      To me, its all in the dollar to enjoyment ratio.

                      For me to take a date to a theatre for the latest Hollywood movie, its about 30 bucks, and on a scale of 1 to 10, I'm assured an enjoyment level of 1.

                      So thats $30:1

                      If I rent something I want to see, its about $4- $5 (I'm not really sure what it is) and I get an enjoyment of... I don't know 9 on average.

                      Thats $4.5:9

                      I get more enjoyment per dollar if I rent. Besides, the best part about going to the movies is people-watching, which you can do outside the theatre for free. This is why I do not go to the theatre.
                        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                        4806 Posts
                        17 years, 10 months ago
                        IMO, this really depends on the movie in question. If it's a Star Wars movie, I'd more than likely prefer to see it in theatres since it'd look better on a big screen.

                        That aside, it's rare in general for a movie to come out where I'd actually want to see it. The last movie I saw in theatres was Chronicles of Narnia and before that, Harry Potter 4.

                        I don't mind going to theatres to see a movie since it'd probably more than likely be one or two times at the most that I'd go in an entire year (I didn't see one single movie last year). I'm also not the type to rent movies much either, since I'm not too much of a movie person.

                        So far, for this year, the only thing on my list is Harry Potter 5.
                          Brick_Wall's Avatar
                          1435 Posts
                          17 years, 8 months ago
                          Another thing that i forgot is that i hate rushing to see a movie. I like to watch it at my own time. They dont give me a time to watch it.
                            79987 Posts
                            17 years, 8 months ago
                            I'll only see something in theaters if it's something I really want to see.
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