MemoryChip's Avatar
605 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
I Love the 90's

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    COOLHAND's Avatar
    2938 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    hopefully its good, seeing the gargoyles on the their is pretty reassuring
      mr-funky's Avatar
      1620 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      Their are only a handful of heros that can have their original stories retold over and over in different ways and not get old, Spider-Man's one of em!

      Anyone know who's gonna voice him?
        31 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        I would suspect that Neil Patrick Harris would play him again just like in 2K3. But, isn't that based on after Spider-Man 3 ended or the comic books itself?
          mr-funky's Avatar
          1620 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          I think it was based off the movie...
            17 years, 10 months ago
            Hopefully it'll be as good as the 90's version. The one on MTV wasn't that bad either.
              regular_joe's Avatar
              728 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              Why is it I find it kind of interesting that Spider man, which is a Marvel character, will be on a Warner Brothers network. WB has some sort of partnership or something with DC

              (or am I thinking into this to much?:) )

              " The last man nearly ruined this place/He didn't know what to do with it/If you think this countrys bad off now just what till I get through with it":D
                avaitor's Avatar
                789 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                Why is it I find it kind of interesting that Spider man, which is a Marvel character, will be on a Warner Brothers network. WB has some sort of partnership or something with DC

                (or am I thinking into this to much?:) )

                Well, X-Men Evoultion was on Kids WB and CN, and both the 60's and the 00's Fantastic Fours were on CN, and the orignal has an on/off thing on Boomerang(So do most others, acutally, even Looney Tunes & The Smurfs.)
                  Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                  801 Posts
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  If it is going to be a badly drawn, long, lanky and anorexic Spider Man that is coming to the air I'm going to avoid it. I cannot stand the look of "Ultimate" Spider Man and I cannot stand the look of the Teen Titans, The Batman, and Legion of Super Heroes character styles. The ugliness of the characters just keeps me away.

                  Whatever happened to character art for a show that actually took the artist time to pay attention to detail?? The current toons look they are chicken scratches just doodled on a napkin and slapped onto a cel.
                  (Hordak Alpha))

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