37 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
I have looked all over the net i have some general information about the show, the comic and the toys but nothing like who made it, how it was made not even an intro!

Does anyone know where i can find anything on it?

Does anyone even remember it?
    Daniel85's Avatar
    1699 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    Ruby-Spears was the studio behind the Sectaurs animated series (which only comprised 5 episodes). Here's the intro:

    Coleco made the toys, and Marvel published a comic series that ran for a measly 7 issues before cancellation.

    Oh, and here's a cool X-E article on the Sectaurs Hyve playset: The thing's freakin' huge!
      COOLHAND's Avatar
      2938 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      those are pretty cool, wonder why nobody liked them...nice article by the way. Isnt that Krang in there at the end?
        1494 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        I have the series. It was probably one of the better Ruby-Spears toons. It wasn't like the other overly kiddy cartoons Ruby-Spears was putting out at the time and was more along the lines of GI Joe or Thundercats.
          sikkbones's Avatar
          1262 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          i had the toys they were cool...... but he-man was the same idea but done better.... has anyone ever seen any sectuars MIB or otherwise on ebay?

          i remeber finding the comics in those horrible 3-6 pack bags at the drug store for like 99 cents forever... i think at one point i had like 18 copies of the same issue of sectuars cuz some idiot family memeber kept buying me comics.
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