99Centsplease's Avatar
518 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
Well, the Grand Canyon has this new bridge named the "SkyWalk". You may have been hearing a lot about it on the news. There's also been controversy over it as well. So, what are your opinions on the SkyWalk?
500th post reached July 2, 2007.
    SquidMan93's Avatar
    310 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    So, what are your opinions on the SkyWalk?

    Name ripped off from Star Wars. :D
      99Centsplease's Avatar
      518 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      Name ripped off from Star Wars. :D

      I was thinking of that! :D :D
      500th post reached July 2, 2007.
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        I'm going to the Grand Canyon this summer, so I'll have to check it out. I haven't been hearing about it on the news, though.
          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
          5870 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          What's the controversy? That they're filthying up another one of nature's beauties with some awkward man-made structure just for the hell of it?

          I hope that's the controversy, because it sucks. They couldn't just let it be. We always have this instinct where we need to conquor nature. Just let it be.
            Ilikethepixies's Avatar
            5870 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            What's the controversy? That they're filthying up another one of nature's beauties with some awkward man-made structure just for the hell of it?

            I hope that's the controversy, because it sucks. They couldn't just let it be. We always have this instinct where we need to conquer nature. Just let it be.
              99Centsplease's Avatar
              518 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              What's the controversy? That they're filthying up another one of nature's beauties with some awkward man-made structure just for the hell of it?

              I hope that's the controversy, because it sucks. They couldn't just let it be. We always have this instinct where we need to conquer nature. Just let it be.

              Well, the controversy comes from this Indian tribe who doesn't want it there.

              What's even worse about it was on my local news, there was this cheesy promo that showed one of the anchors "walking" on the SkyWalk. Even worse, the picture they were using was a concept sketch! I don't know why they built that thing in the first place. The Canyon deserves to be protected as a national park. The Grand Canyon is a NATIONAL PARK, not an amusement park.
              500th post reached July 2, 2007.
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                Well, the controversy comes from this Indian tribe who doesn't want it there.... The Canyon deserves to be protected as a national park. The Grand Canyon is a NATIONAL PARK, not an amusement park.

                Didn't they get the memo? We own everything. It doesn't matter how long you've been there or what significance something has to you... we're going to build a big ugly bridge over it and give it a stupid name because we can. They better get with the program.

                Its not like its even a necessary evil, like taking away wildlife to build houses for the people that are already here. We're just going in and fooling around with it for profit's sake. :(
                  Edymnion's Avatar
                  2304 Posts
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  Well, the controversy comes from this Indian tribe who doesn't want it there.
                  Uh, its being built BY an indian tribe in the first place.

                  I'll just say that I'm glad it wasn't there when I went to the grand canyon. Trust me, you don't need a lousy tourist trap sky bridge to make that place impressive, it does that all by itself.

                    99Centsplease's Avatar
                    518 Posts
                    17 years, 10 months ago
                    Uh, its being built BY an indian tribe in the first place.

                    Oops. :o Just got confused when I wrote this...
                    500th post reached July 2, 2007.
                      SlippyFist's Avatar
                      125 Posts
                      17 years, 10 months ago
                      I just think its a stupid eyesore. Plus....$25 just to walk about 10ft is outrageous. I would spend $5 just to say I did it, but geeze...talk about a rip off from the Indians.....Shame on You!!!!!
                        4135 Posts
                        17 years, 10 months ago
                        I think it looks pretty cool, and I'll look forward to trying it out when I visit the Grand Canyon. I think people just need to chill out and quit creating controversy where there shouldn't be.
                          4135 Posts
                          17 years, 10 months ago
                          opps, double post
                            99Centsplease's Avatar
                            518 Posts
                            17 years, 10 months ago
                            ...talk about a rip off from the Indians.

                            The Indians will do anything to make money nowadays. License their tribe's name to a college's athletic program (Florida State Seminoles), start a casino, etc...
                            500th post reached July 2, 2007.
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