Ray8286's Avatar
331 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
:eek: WOW this is pretty amazing i never thought i'd be alive to see the first force field. Even in its beginning stages it looks like something from a scifi movie. Wonder what it will look like in ten years? http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=4a5_1174660649
    Edymnion's Avatar
    2304 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    Its not as impressive as that article makes it look, I've seen more down to earth articles on it, and if this is what I think it is, its nothing more than shooting the rounds down. Literally, its an automated gun turret that locks onto the incoming rocket, then shoots the nosecone to detonate it before it can reach the target.

    Think about it, if it was an actual force field of any kind, why would it need to lock onto an incoming shell with radar? You'll also notice that they say it won't work on things like ships, because you can't reliably fire counter measures through water.

      Ray8286's Avatar
      331 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      Its not as impressive as that article makes it look, I've seen more down to earth articles on it, and if this is what I think it is, its nothing more than shooting the rounds down. Literally, its an automated gun turret that locks onto the incoming rocket, then shoots the nosecone to detonate it before it can reach the target.

      Think about it, if it was an actual force field of any kind, why would it need to lock onto an incoming shell with radar? You'll also notice that they say it won't work on things like ships, because you can't reliably fire counter measures through water.

      i know what you mean i seen a concept video on the thing that shoots down the incoming round. after closer viewing of the video i posted the part when it shows the round flying to the tank. you see an explosion from the trophy system right before the warhead explodes. i didnt catch that before.
        Ray8286's Avatar
        331 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        I read in one of the stickys that dead threads take up bandwith so you guys can close this one
          CenturyNEXT's Avatar
          118 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          It's a Pin Point Barrier System!
          That is almost kick ass Macross technology!
            Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
            801 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            A personal force field would be awesome. Totally invulnerable to the world around you. It'd be like having the powers of the GameShark only in real life.
            (Hordak Alpha))

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