Brick_Wall's Avatar
1435 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
Hey here's a bright idea. I saw this guy on Oprah (not that I watch it, but i skipping through channels) and saw this guy who had this wristband. In this wristband, he siad that it was a challenge to stop people from complaining. And everytime you complain about anything, you have switch it to the other wrist. The goal is to keep on the same wrist for 21 days b/c that how long he says to form a habbit. And whenever you complain you have to start over. Its free (even the shipping) and i ordered 8 for my family. I will try it. Its going to be hard though.
    Edymnion's Avatar
    2304 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    That should have an amendment to it.
    "Unnecissary" complaining.

    Complaining, by definition, is to express dissatisfaction with something. Any time you say you don't like something, its technically complaining. That includes sending back a wrong order at a resteraunt, saying that the wife put too much salt in the soup, or telling somebody its cold outside.

      Brick_Wall's Avatar
      1435 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      That should have an amendment to it.
      "Unnecissary" complaining.

      Complaining, by definition, is to express dissatisfaction with something. Any time you say you don't like something, its technically complaining. That includes sending back a wrong order at a resteraunt, saying that the wife put too much salt in the soup, or telling somebody its cold outside.

      Well there is a difference between "YOU PUT TOO MUCH FUCKIN SALT IN THE FOOD!" and "honey, next time could put less salt in the meal?" You can't complain about the weather. Such as, "I hate the cold" or "Oh god its cold". But imforming like "Its cold outside, put a jacket on." And honestly, I would never send back any food, b/c no matter how nice i say it, they will spit in it.

      And for anyone who wanted to get a free wristband, here is the site
        Ilikethepixies's Avatar
        5870 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Why did you have to post such a stupid thread about such a dumb topic? It's so stupid.. I hate it. This thread sucks, its so bad.
          priapic's Avatar
          250 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          I think its a sweet is staying a virgin till you get married but i have 2 kids and no husband ;) I still ordered 10 of them and will try it cause its corny and it will annoy the people I give them too.I complain way too much anyway...might keep me in check for a hour or two.But it doesnt ship for 3-5 weeks so im going to stay a bitch till then.
            Brick_Wall's Avatar
            1435 Posts
            17 years, 9 months ago
            Why did you have to post such a stupid thread about such a dumb topic? It's so stupid.. I hate it. This thread sucks, its so bad.

            y r u complaining on purpose? its not funny
              Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
              2505 Posts
              17 years, 9 months ago
              i duno about this, i herd about it and i kinda think its stupid but at the same time iam curious to see who can actually do it and suceed, id like to see oprah off cam, see whats shes really like, can't anyone serve a damm bagel correctly i said low fat cream cheese guys she chucks it at someone... oh oprah must me on her diet again.. lol lol.
                Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                1260 Posts
                17 years, 9 months ago
                they should make a wristband for girlfriends and/or wife to stop them from bitch so often lol

                Now That Would Be A Great Idea

                JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                  Brick_Wall's Avatar
                  1435 Posts
                  17 years, 9 months ago
                  they already have that

                  its called "treat your woman with respect"
                    HarryReems's Avatar
                    2067 Posts
                    17 years, 9 months ago
                    Don't watch Oprah.
                    Just don't.
                      Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
                      2440 Posts
                      17 years, 9 months ago
                      y r u complaining on purpose? its not funny

                      Oh yes, it's funny I just showed this thread to my co-workers and they all laughed at his post.
                      Ker click... Choom..
                        Brick_Wall's Avatar
                        1435 Posts
                        17 years, 9 months ago
                        Oh yes, it's funny I just showed this thread to my co-workers and they all laughed at his post.

                        no it really is not funny. and why would you bring all your co-workers just to see something you should not be on at work in the first place.

                        but i know i can do this. b/c i have will power
                          priapic's Avatar
                          250 Posts
                          17 years, 9 months ago
                          I think some of you guys ( or girls not sure ) are taking this too serious.I bitch therefor I am :) And if you have a prob about how I think about this subject and then tell me arent you complaining and in need of one of these bracelets?? Just a thought..not me complaining about you complaining about me complaining about you complaining..................:eek:
                            Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
                            2440 Posts
                            17 years, 9 months ago
                            no it really is not funny. and why would you bring all your co-workers just to see something you should not be on at work in the first place.

                            but i know i can do this. b/c i have will power

                            Because I have 5 people that are sitting behind me all testing electronics.
                            The electronics cycle and we have a bit of "free time" to kill until we have to start the next test.

                            What does will power have to do with anything and why do you always have such a pompous attitude?
                            Look you do not know me from Adam so don't assume you know ANYTHING about me or my will power or anything else..

                            Ker click... Choom..
                              priapic's Avatar
                              250 Posts
                              17 years, 9 months ago
                              Oh screw it i think we ALL need these things.....Maybe monday makes everyone cranky.I think the only solution would be a lil rubber bracelet to make us all remember to just get along and stop the madness!!:D
                                Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
                                2440 Posts
                                17 years, 9 months ago
                                Oh screw it i think we ALL need these things.....Maybe monday makes everyone cranky.I think the only solution would be a lil rubber bracelet to make us all remember to just get along and stop the madness!!:D

                                Unfortunately we are all human beings and we will never fully get along as long as we are allowed to have our own opinions and thought processes.

                                One persons opinion will always clash with others.
                                Deal with it as it is a fact of life.
                                If you can't deal with it simply seal yourself in a cave away from all of humanity.
                                Ker click... Choom..
                                  priapic's Avatar
                                  250 Posts
                                  17 years, 9 months ago
                                  how funny...I deal just fine with whoever wants to argue about this..even at work argue about this.I just find it funny that you 2 were fighting.So I dont have a problem with it...i like it, keep it going.It gives me something to read on here.I just thought it was funny that people had to get their feelings hurt and then had to justify themselves for having their opinions and not working at work but complaining on here is all.Love the snappy comebacks...cant wait for the next one.
                                    Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
                                    2440 Posts
                                    17 years, 9 months ago
                                    how funny...I deal just fine with whoever wants to argue about this..even at work argue about this.I just find it funny that you 2 were fighting.So I dont have a problem with it...i like it, keep it going.It gives me something to read on here.I just thought it was funny that people had to get their feelings hurt and then had to justify themselves for having their opinions and not working at work but complaining on here is all.Love the snappy comebacks...cant wait for the next one.

                                    Fighting? no. He gave a snide answer and I responded. If it were a "fight" it would have been a lot worse.
                                    Oh you can't wait for the next snappy comeback, well don't worry as there won't be another one.
                                    Ker click... Choom..
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