dmastre411's Avatar
130 Posts
17 years, 10 months ago
do you think your child hood happened to fast. i mean like do u think about being a kid again. DO U HAVE KIDS and how does it feel.
    Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
    2505 Posts
    17 years, 10 months ago
    DUH of coarse i do all the time, it pains me to see construction on places like playgrounds, parks and forrests that i use to always go to were i use to live, like it was fine the way it was but noooo the kids now adays need to have some cgi type playground lol. I do not have kids though. Looking back i think my childhood did go by fast but of coarse back then i probably felt that it went on forever.
      WARLORD1863's Avatar
      517 Posts
      17 years, 10 months ago
      I don't think my childhood went fast at all, because I remember it being so friggin slow that it seemed like forever before I got to be an adult. I miss portions of my childhood, certainly not all of it.

      I liked the saturday morning cartoons, the ignorant bliss that I enjoyed before I realized how crazy this world is, and the complete lack of any responsibility.

      I DIDN'T like school at all (ironic that I'm in teaching at the high school level), the orders I recieved from my parents, the inability to go anywhere without my parents driving me, etc.

      If I could re-live the good aspects of childhood without the bad aspects I'd be all for it. Oh and I don't have kids but hope to have a couple.
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        4135 Posts
        17 years, 10 months ago
        I agree with WL, it's not my childhood that went by fast at all, it's my adulthood that's flying out the windows.
          felix's Avatar
          61 Posts
          17 years, 10 months ago
          30 was one of the WORST years of my life and so far 31 isnt too bad but yes, I do miss my childhood but I do not act my age and I try to stay a Toys R' Us kid as much as possible. My childhood was great and I had it too good but in a way I think thats why Im starting to realize had I not had things handed to me on a plate (I am the youngest of 3. I have 2 older sisters), I may be in a different situation now in my life. But thats whats great about this site. I can escape from work and go back to those days and just remember how great it was to grow up in the 80's. I havent even put a dent in 1/4 of this site! Its my new guilty pleasure at work now :D
            Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
            801 Posts
            17 years, 10 months ago
            I'd never want to be a kid again because of too many limitations and restrictions. I would, however, like to see all of my favorite old school toons brought back to tv someday. Today's stuff is just crap mostly.
            (Hordak Alpha))

              dmastre411's Avatar
              130 Posts
              17 years, 10 months ago
              wow. so do u guys remember being 16. I so afraid i'll lose eveything wen im older.
                kayvee's Avatar
                3672 Posts
                17 years, 10 months ago
                You’ll lose your car keys, your money, your mind...

                be afraid - be very afraid.

                The only thing bad about getting older is the realization that someday you WILL die. Once you come to terms with that, the rest is cream cheese. I think about death a lot and sometimes its freaks me out since I have a daughter now. I would really hate to get into a fatal car crash on the way home from work...these are the kinds of things I think about in my ripe ol' age of thirty (well that and 80's toys). But I am working through this and hopefully I'll get a better grip on it.

                I'd relax if I was you but I know that's easier said than done.
                  Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                  2505 Posts
                  17 years, 10 months ago
                  Sometimes i feel as if iam loosing my mind at 21 but my memeory mabey when iam 70, well hopefully not til then, cause its gonna happen. Do i remember being 16 ya it was kind of a boring year no offence, well actually being 16 was kinnda like every other age nothing special. Infact my sister is 16 now so its like reliving it whenever iam around her and i often think to myself was i like this?, did i act like this?.
                    kayvee's Avatar
                    3672 Posts
                    17 years, 10 months ago
                    I think I need therapy...
                      Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                      801 Posts
                      17 years, 10 months ago
                      The only thing bad about getting older is the realization that someday you WILL die.

                      Worrying about that all of the time will just be wasting your life. Enjoy what you got now and just know that death isn't what it appears to be. You're not just gone kaput after a whole lifetime of building a distinct personality of thoughts, feelings and of being. There is existence of consciousness after death and a place beyond this place, believe it.
                      (Hordak Alpha))

                        kayvee's Avatar
                        3672 Posts
                        17 years, 10 months ago
                        right on, but my faith has never been weak. To quote that old native American in La Bamba: "To live is to die. To die is to awaken."

                        but that doesn't change the fact that we are vulnerable emotionally when it comes to death.
                          99Centsplease's Avatar
                          518 Posts
                          17 years, 10 months ago
                          I would really hate to get into a fatal car crash on the way home from work.

                          I don't want that to happen to anyone. Sometimes I wonder what if somebody dropped a nuke in my neighborhood. :eek: IGGHH! That's disturbing.
                          500th post reached July 2, 2007.
                            Brick_Wall's Avatar
                            1435 Posts
                            17 years, 10 months ago
                            well hearing all these oldsters,i think you want to hear what a kid has to saY. i wish that i could live on my own. and not have to live by other people's rules.
                              Video_Jukebox's Avatar
                              1068 Posts
                              17 years, 10 months ago
                              I'm not sure I miss my childhood all that much, although there are some parts of it I wouldn't mind experiencing again. In some ways, I think I'm reliving the best parts of my childhood and teenage years now, as now I can do all the things I wanted to do then without having to deal with the negative stuff. If I want to stay up all night playing Super Mario Bros. 3, I can, and no one can yell at me for it, not even my parents. I can go to all the concerts I always wanted to go to when I was a teen, I can buy and wear whatever clothes I want, I can eat whatever I want, etc. Ahhhh, freedom. :D
                              "Preserving the old ways from being abused,
                              Protecting the new ways for me and for you.
                              What more can we do?"
                              --The Kinks, "Village Green Preservation Society"
                                Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                                801 Posts
                                17 years, 10 months ago
                                right on, but my faith has never been weak. To quote a the old indian in La Bamba: "To live is to die. To die is to awaken."

                                but that doesn't change the fact that we are vunerable emotionally when it comes to death.

                                True, because we come to the realization that we won't see the one who proceeded us in death ever again in this lifetime. I've been there and I still miss those who have gone before me but I still keep right on going. So, when did this thread suddenly turn into Benny Hinn's program???
                                (Hordak Alpha))

                                  kayvee's Avatar
                                  3672 Posts
                                  17 years, 10 months ago
                                  Well I Think I have given you all something to look forward to when you get older; a life full of wonderful anxieties about the future!
                                    March82GirlTMNT's Avatar
                                    17 years, 10 months ago
                                    Yeah, my childhood went fast that I grew up because now I'm 25, I don't have kids but I really miss being a cute kid I was. I was almost killed in a car accident few times and almost died in a fire one time, man that I almost lost my life but lucky.
                                    [FONT="Times New Roman"]YEE-HAA - BO DUKE![/FONT]

                                    [FONT="Arial Black"]"Cowabunga, Dude!" ~ MICHAELANGELO[/FONT]

                                    A true child of the 80's here.:D
                                      felix's Avatar
                                      61 Posts
                                      17 years, 10 months ago
                                      I think I need therapy...

                                      Uhh me too :D
                                        menasor's Avatar
                                        661 Posts
                                        17 years, 10 months ago
                                        i didn't feel like my childhood went too fast until i had to get a job. now i would give anything to be a kid again
                                        Katon Gokakyuu No Jutsu
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