Brick_Wall's Avatar
1435 Posts
17 years, 9 months ago
5. No Spam or Commercial Advertising.
Do not make threads that have absolutely no constructive purpose (such as "Post about anything here!" threads). If your thread does not have at least some attempt at a topic, it will be considered spam and locked. This includes spam posts just so you can pad your post count. Also falling under the banner of spam are so called "quote trains". When you quote a post, only quote relevant parts. Quoting a quote of a quote of a quote so that it forms a long train of nested quotes is both an extra burden on the server, and is an extra burden on everyone trying to read the thread. There is no need to do this, all it does is waste space. We are also not here to be free advertising to make you money. If you want to advertise on Retro Junk, contact a moderator or the site admin and we'll see about working something out with you. Otherwise, any thread linking to a commercial site for the express purpose of getting guests to buy things from it will be locked, and the link removed. Do not continuously bump your thread as this can be considered spam to pad up your post count, let others move it back to the top.

try reading the rules next time

BTW, the S&H costs more than the starting bid.
    Brick_Wall's Avatar
    1435 Posts
    17 years, 9 months ago
    do you understand?
      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
      5870 Posts
      17 years, 9 months ago
      You'd have to pay me to take those terrible games :)
        TMNT's Avatar
        5203 Posts
        17 years, 9 months ago
        Well you are breaking the rules about Commercial Advertising about buying things on ebay so yes Brick wall know what he is doing.
          Cyber_Bishop's Avatar
          2440 Posts
          17 years, 9 months ago
          This is not commercial advertising, he is not a company trying to advertise so some of you guys need to learn what "commercial advertising" is before you go spouting it.

          HOWEVER he is trying to make money.. We are not your place to plug your auctions.
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