Frank has done so many different voices for so many different's really hard to keep track of them all - Slimer and Ray in Real Ghostbusters, Dr. Claw in Inspector Gadget, Fred in Scooby Doo, Kermit in Muppet Babies, The Game Boy in Captain N.
And I won't even start with how many vocal and sound effects he's done for various "creatures" in different movies and cartoons.
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Frank has done so many different voices for so many different's really hard to keep track of them all - Slimer and Ray in Real Ghostbusters, Dr. Claw in Inspector Gadget, Fred in Scooby Doo, Kermit in Muppet Babies, The Game Boy in Captain N.
And I won't even start with how many vocal and sound effects he's done for various "creatures" in different movies and cartoons.