Luna2's Avatar
384 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
if you ever saw things like the last unicorn the land before time or the lion king you would probbley call the animation art to some degree. but i've never heard someone call any cgi movie art no matter how good or bad the movie was. is it because we cant hold up a fram of cgi animation or is it too sinthetic and similar to eachother to compair to other classic movies in the same way

i think cgi is to fake to ever truely be called art no matter how far it comes 2D animation can be art in away cgi just cant match or copy
    COOLHAND's Avatar
    2938 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    CGI isnt art.
      Luna2's Avatar
      384 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      CGI isnt art.

      i agree but what is it about cgi that holds it back why do you think cgi cant be called art and if you (like me) think its simply too sinthetic then just say its fake
        99Centsplease's Avatar
        518 Posts
        17 years, 7 months ago
        It's art to me. You people are unreceptive to new things. (gets flamed beyond belief)
        500th post reached July 2, 2007.
          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
          5870 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          I think that's an interesting idea. I'd imagine that over time, it will be. There's still that hurdle that it has to overcome: it is done with the aid of a computer.

          If you think about it, "art" art, gallery art, has always been about the artist working alone within a medium to express something. Now its kind of a paradigm shift where the artist and the software (and its developers) work as kind of a collaborative force. Seems like artsy people discredit this for some reason.

          Then again, who would have guessed that the dadaists or guys like Andy Warhol would have made a splash in the art scene. I guess its just what hits the collective consciousness at the right time.
            diskoboy's Avatar
            212 Posts
            17 years, 7 months ago
            It's art to me. You people are unreceptive to new things. (gets flamed beyond belief)

            I agree. But it's getting overused. They need to keep traditional 2-D animation still in the mix.

            And if I see another movie with another %&#*$ CGI penguin, I'm gonna hurt somebody.
              Luna2's Avatar
              384 Posts
              17 years, 7 months ago
              I agree. But it's getting overused. They need to keep traditional 2-D animation still in the mix.

              And if I see another movie with another %&#*$ CGI penguin, I'm gonna hurt somebody.

              like wise im starting to think they made surfs up because they had some leftovers from happy feet to work with. this is why i like traditional 2-D animation there like snowflakes no 2 people draw the same way even if they try to which is where cgi fails they have much less to work with when it comes to style
                mr-funky's Avatar
                1620 Posts
                17 years, 7 months ago
                yes in a way...everyone views art in different ways, some may agree others may not!
                  Kir0's Avatar
                  140 Posts
                  17 years, 7 months ago
                  CGI is art. Its created by someone; from their own imagination. So that is art. Regardless whether someone likes it or not. :/

                  I love the old style, and the new. But it really depends. There are alot of CGI movies I can't stand, and some I love. But thats for another discussion.
                    88 Posts
                    17 years, 7 months ago
                    CGI is cack...absolute cack.

                    It was innovative and interesting when it was used conservatively. But now morions like Lucas and everyone's favorite special effects whore Peter Jackson use it to ridiculous heights.

                    Hollywood disgusts me anymore...
                      Thylacine's Avatar
                      1525 Posts
                      17 years, 7 months ago
                      CGI is an art form. It takes some effort to create CGI. It may not be as hard to do as 2-D, but still.

                      As for movies being made entirely in CGI, I see nothing wrong with it. While I love 2-D animation, CGI adds its own little flair to movies, making then more alive in a sense.
                      "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
                      -Rampage, Beast Wars

                        4135 Posts
                        17 years, 7 months ago
                        Just because you don't like it, doesn't mean it isn't art. Graphic designers work just as hard creating the images on a computer as any cartoonist in front of a piece of paper.
                          PyroPhoenixX's Avatar
                          423 Posts
                          17 years, 7 months ago
                          Why not? CGI is okay if its not overused.
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