NostalgicNed's Avatar
58 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
Ok, when did ninjas and monkies become funny and what douchebags bought into that crap?:confused: Sites like make me want to puke! Does anyone actually think that $%*# is funny? Then they make animes with ninjas like Naruto! WTF?!? And it seems every Flash site or cartoon has a generic brown monkey doing some random stuff, and some lame 20 year old, college student, douche, stoner on a Mac laughs his ass off! What has pop-culture society spiralled down to?

That is my rant.
    Edymnion's Avatar
    2304 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    Right, well since you've gotten your rant out of the way, no point in leaving it open, because I *KNOW* the naruto people are going to jump you for this one.

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