warriorman's Avatar
30 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I need help with a small mind block I've got right now, I can't seem to remember the name of the old guy with the white hair, white mustache and wears the blue jays jacket and hat. This is going way back to the early 90's. I don't rember his name, is it Dr. Jay or Dr. Blue Jay, maybe it's a totally different name. I've been searching for hours now and can't seem to find anything about him, maybe I do just have the name wrong.

Their were also comic books released with him in it where there was a story with pictures and you had to write in the words they might be saying. He also had a segment on TV during and after games, he was almost always hanging out with the old Blue Jays mascot as well, BJ Birdie. (Usuallly at the end of the segments)

Can anyone help.
Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day
    warriorman's Avatar
    30 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    I need help with a small mind block I've got right now, I can't seem to remember the name of the old guy with the white hair, white mustache and wears the blue jays jacket and hat. This is going way back to the early 90's. I don't rember his name, is it Dr. Jay or Dr. Blue Jay, maybe it's a totally different name. I've been searching for hours now and can't seem to find anything about him, maybe I do just have the name wrong.

    Their were also comic books released with him in it where there was a story with pictures and you had to write in the words they might be saying. He also had a segment on TV during and after games, he was almost always hanging out with the old Blue Jays mascot as well, BJ Birdie. (Usuallly at the end of the segments)

    Can anyone help.
    Rock and Roll all Nite and Party Every Day
      ryanc22's Avatar
      186 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      His name was DR. Jay...and the comic book was a magazine called JR. Jays

      I use to subscribe to it back in the 90s, awesome comic until they changed the whole magazine around renamed it The Magazine (how creative...:rolleyes: ) and made it teen oriented with about pop stars and celebrities with little focus on the Jays and the comic.
        ryanc22's Avatar
        186 Posts
        17 years, 7 months ago
        His name was DR. Jay...and the comic book was a magazine called JR. Jays

        I use to subscribe to it back in the 90s, awesome comic until they changed the whole magazine around renamed it The Magazine (how creative...:rolleyes: ) and made it teen oriented with about pop stars and celebrities with little focus on the Jays and the comic.
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