Well I just saw it, I have to say it wasnt bad. You did get to see a shadow of galactus on saturn with his helmet. I guess that does make sence of him being a huge cloud in one form sucking up a planet instead of grabing it and eating it like a donut lol.
Is there a lot of the Surfer in this one? I've always loved the Silver Surfer. I think the Galactus thing is a cop out too.
Next time I make sure to include spoiler alert snake. I appologize for my inconsiderable ignorance to this thread by spoiling a part in the movie. If anyone else was offended by this. I'm sorry for being so blunt.
Mods you better close this thread before anyone else see's this. I dont want to see anyone else mad because I ruined their movie experience.
meh, I can always insert a SPOILER: warning in the title.
I am tonight but I just read a spoiler on this movie and im needless to say very disapointed.
I really wanted to see galactus cgi anything or like how he is in the marvel ali video game.. But noooo he is a freakin cloud how dumb do they get. I cant stand how they always change something diffrent in the comic movies.
this is him in the video game http://kungfurodeo.com/wp-content/uploads/2006/09/galactus_head.jpg ya so he isnt pink and purple but its better than a stupid cloud ( nimbus) :p
I'm sorry I had to vent about this..