Brookie79's Avatar
428 Posts
17 years, 7 months ago
I am tonight but I just read a spoiler on this movie and im needless to say very disapointed.

I really wanted to see galactus cgi anything or like how he is in the marvel ali video game.. But noooo he is a freakin cloud how dumb do they get. I cant stand how they always change something diffrent in the comic movies.

this is him in the video game ya so he isnt pink and purple but its better than a stupid cloud ( nimbus) :p

I'm sorry I had to vent about this..
" who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
    toonwatcher's Avatar
    431 Posts
    17 years, 7 months ago
    He's a cloud?? What a letdown.:(
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      79987 Posts
      17 years, 7 months ago
      The thing about Galactus that isn't widely known, is that his image changes. It changes to whatever the indigenous lifeform of the planet is. Galactus only looks human in the comics because thats what humans see him as. Its how their brains can cope with it. (Although in the Ultimate universe, Galactus is a giant swarm of robotic insects. Well, they look like insects.) So a giant cloud isn't too far out there.
        kayvee's Avatar
        3672 Posts
        17 years, 7 months ago
        wow, that's interesting, DebrisStorm. I didn't know that. I was only familiar with the classic 'Giant' look.
          darthmunk's Avatar
          3361 Posts
          17 years, 7 months ago
          Yeah, thats really stupid. Well, Im probably going to see it tonight anyway.
            Brookie79's Avatar
            428 Posts
            17 years, 7 months ago
            Well I just saw it, I have to say it wasnt bad. You did get to see a shadow of galactus on saturn with his helmet. I guess that does make sence of him being a huge cloud in one form sucking up a planet instead of grabing it and eating it like a donut lol.
            " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
              79987 Posts
              17 years, 7 months ago
              Well I just saw it, I have to say it wasnt bad. You did get to see a shadow of galactus on saturn with his helmet. I guess that does make sence of him being a huge cloud in one form sucking up a planet instead of grabing it and eating it like a donut lol.

              Since the earth is somewhat eggshaped, whouldn't it be more like a hard boiled egg? ;)
                Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                5870 Posts
                17 years, 7 months ago
                Is there a lot of the Surfer in this one? I've always loved the Silver Surfer. I think the Galactus thing is a cop out too.
                  Hordak_Alpha's Avatar
                  801 Posts
                  17 years, 7 months ago
                  I'm planning on seeing this on Monday. Meh, I'll still go even in light of the Galactus shake up. I missed out on Spidey 3 so I need to see the new FF movie asap to make up for it.
                  (Hordak Alpha))

                    Brookie79's Avatar
                    428 Posts
                    17 years, 7 months ago
                    Is there a lot of the Surfer in this one? I've always loved the Silver Surfer. I think the Galactus thing is a cop out too.

                    a good amount of silver you see hahaha I sound like yoda. Very suprised ending to. Oh and very good fighting scenes also specially one with a general and doom. Another thing I didnt like was alba blue eyes made her look to alienish..

                    Oh ya the world is more egg shape then donut duhhh me...
                    " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
                      SNAKEeyes001's Avatar
                      212 Posts
                      17 years, 7 months ago
                      Aren't you supposed to have "Warning Spoilers" in the title of this thread?
                      Thats it man , Game Over man ,
                        Brookie79's Avatar
                        428 Posts
                        17 years, 7 months ago
                        Next time I make sure to include spoiler alert snake. I appologize for my inconsiderable ignorance to this thread by spoiling a part in the movie. If anyone else was offended by this. I'm sorry for being so blunt.

                        Mods you better close this thread before anyone else see's this. I dont want to see anyone else mad because I ruined their movie experience.
                        " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
                          adventure_of_link's Avatar
                          17 years, 7 months ago
                          Next time I make sure to include spoiler alert snake. I appologize for my inconsiderable ignorance to this thread by spoiling a part in the movie. If anyone else was offended by this. I'm sorry for being so blunt.

                          Mods you better close this thread before anyone else see's this. I dont want to see anyone else mad because I ruined their movie experience.

                          meh, I can always insert a SPOILER: warning in the title.
                            Brookie79's Avatar
                            428 Posts
                            17 years, 7 months ago
                            meh, I can always insert a SPOILER: warning in the title.

                            thanks link that helps out ALOT... :)
                            " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
                              bhavok's Avatar
                              192 Posts
                              17 years, 7 months ago
                              I am tonight but I just read a spoiler on this movie and im needless to say very disapointed.

                              I really wanted to see galactus cgi anything or like how he is in the marvel ali video game.. But noooo he is a freakin cloud how dumb do they get. I cant stand how they always change something diffrent in the comic movies.

                              this is him in the video game ya so he isnt pink and purple but its better than a stupid cloud ( nimbus) :p

                              I'm sorry I had to vent about this..

                              I felt the exact sameway, but my outlook on his character is based on the 90's X-Men series when they have all the mutants battling it out.. I forget what episode it was though..
                              Billy Idol gets it, why doesn't she?
                                TMNT's Avatar
                                5203 Posts
                                17 years, 7 months ago
                                I have to say two thumbs up for this movie for the Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer Awsome movie want to see it with my mom and dad they like it too.
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