RetroToon's Avatar
759 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
Which Disney film after The Lion King do you think jumped the shark for Disney?

I liked how they wanted to go more into comedy, even when they turned away from their tradition of making musicals, but I can't help but wonder if that was one of the reasons they started to go downhill. I actually liked all the 2D work they made until they got to Chicken Little, cause seeing them switch to CGI was a little hard to accept. Thank goodness they're going back to it again! :)
    Thylacine's Avatar
    1525 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    Even though I like CGI animation, I think Disney Jumped the Shark when they switch over to that from 2D.
    "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
    -Rampage, Beast Wars

      RetroToon's Avatar
      759 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      Even though I like CGI animation, I think Disney Jumped the Shark when they switch over to that from 2D.

      Yeah, I thought so too. I know some people thought the ones after The Emperor's New Groove were disapointments, but they were all good in their own way. :)
        HarryReems's Avatar
        2067 Posts
        17 years, 6 months ago
        Probably with that Emperor's New Groove crap.
          brown_eyed1's Avatar
          1948 Posts
          17 years, 6 months ago
          After Disney movies stopped being musicals, they lost their flair. It's just not the same. :(
          Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
            RetroToon's Avatar
            759 Posts
            17 years, 6 months ago
            Yeah, and Chicken Little made it worse cause of it's 3D look when all the traditional films looked like they had a similar style to them. There were some parts I could chuckle at (like their first use of "pee" jokes :rolleyes: ), but the storyline was so much weaker than anything I've seen before from Disney.
              2638 Posts
              17 years, 6 months ago
              I thought the original Lion King was the last decent original one. After that, they jumped the shark.
                diskoboy's Avatar
                212 Posts
                17 years, 6 months ago
                The day I saw The Fox And The Hound in the theater, when I was 6. I've hated Disney with a passion, ever since.

                I Love animation, hate Disney.
                  sikkbones's Avatar
                  1262 Posts
                  17 years, 6 months ago
                    215 Posts
                    17 years, 6 months ago
                    I think The Emperors New Groove, the first non-musical theater release in a decade, was when they jumped the shark. I mean, I commend them for wanting to do something different, but this movie just sucked. Lilo & Stitch was good, though. :)
                    Oh GOD, the world is ending:
                      1954 Posts
                      17 years, 6 months ago
                      haha, jump the shark

                      this really is a trip down memory lane
                        RetroToon's Avatar
                        759 Posts
                        17 years, 6 months ago
                        I think The Emperors New Groove, the first non-musical theater release in a decade, was when they jumped the shark. I mean, I commend them for wanting to do something different, but this movie just sucked. Lilo & Stitch was good, though. :)

                        I know this movie had a troubled production as well. It was originally called "Kingdom of the Sun" and was meant to be another epic like The Lion King about Yzma trying to capture the sun. But Mark Dindal ended up turning it into the zany comedy it is now, and Kuzco turning into a llama was one of the very few things that stayed the same.

                        I'm kinda into that kind of crazy stuff, so there was a lot for me to enjoy in this movie. But it's interesting to know what it COULD have been. :rolleyes:
                          bamfingnightcrawler's Avatar
                          17 years, 6 months ago
                          I think it would have to be sometime after Tarzan. The only Disney animated movies I've been able to enjoy after that are the Pixar movies.
                            COOLHAND's Avatar
                            2938 Posts
                            17 years, 6 months ago
                            Mulan, Lion King, and Hercules were all good...I cant think of waht came out after those though. Toy Story was good...the first and only CGI Ive enjoyed
                              39 Posts
                              17 years, 6 months ago
                              Maybe around the time of Mulan? I've never seen it but just can't think of another time would have been.
                                2602 Posts
                                17 years, 6 months ago
                                After the Lion King, in my opinion.
                                  lorax's Avatar
                                  977 Posts
                                  17 years, 6 months ago
                                  yeah, i think it was sometime after Mulan also, it just didn't seem to have the same flare as the earlier ones did. Every once in awhile though i like a new Disney movie, but those tend to be more live action
                                  "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
                                    3931 Posts
                                    17 years, 6 months ago
                                    This is a good question-- but I have a hard time remember which movies came out which year.

                                    According to this time line..

                                    I'd have to say I didn't care for Hunchback, and though I like some of the things that came after, they really don't compare to me as classics. I enjoyed some aspects of Mulan, I own it, but It's no Lion King. Well.. few movies compare to Lion King even in Disney.

                                    I actually liked Fox and the Hound, it was amazing to me they gave it a tragic ending-- the two friends really aren't friends anymore though they still care for each other in some way. Very bittersweet, I love that.

                                    I liked Antz more than A Bugs Life, I think it came out first too.
                                      2503 Posts
                                      17 years, 6 months ago
                                      I think it would have to be sometime after Tarzan. The only Disney animated movies I've been able to enjoy after that are the Pixar movies.

                                      I agree. Disney movies just haven't been that good since that. There were some alright ones (I personally liked the 1st Emperor's New Groove), but nothing could light a candle to the others.
                                      Then they started dishing out those atrocious direct-to-DVD sequels. Some of them were just shameful...(Fox and the Hound 2)
                                        RetroToon's Avatar
                                        759 Posts
                                        17 years, 6 months ago
                                        I think Hercules, Mulan and Tarzan were still good but not good enough to be in the same spot as The Lion King. Emperor's New Groove was probably where the weakness was most noticeable, but despite not doing well in theaters it became well admired for being the unusual cartoony comedy that it was. One of the biggest "jump the shark" moments though was when Disney made Atlantis and went into more sci-fi territory. And then they remade the classic Treasure Island that way with Treasure Planet, which a lot of people think was the film that destroyed their animation department.
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