They sure annoy me, I just cant stand some nobody posting a video of their thoughts or the last party they went to. Or else they type a long poorly structured paragraph of so on and so forth. I especially hate guys on videotube who post videos of themselves talking 8 minutes about an event
Then you'd HATE my channel.
Yeah I have blogs, but 99.9% of the time I don't post personal thoughts. I have a blog where I talk about roads, a blog where I talk about Carolina Circle Mall, a blog about nostalgia, a blog about lost retail, and a blog about vintage computers.
I see my blogs as more of a way to share the knowledge I have on certain topics. You wouldn't believe all of the silly talk I find on many other blogs. I don't care what Joe had for dinner or what Sam did today.
Also, I'm trying to train myself not to use the word "blog" and use "weblog".
then dont read/watch em.
I don't blog, I rant.
They sure annoy me, I just cant stand some nobody posting a video of their thoughts or the last party they went to. Or else they type a long poorly structured paragraph of so on and so forth. I especially hate guys on youtube who post videos of themselves talking 8 minutes about an event like MMA (their predictions and what not) or, most recently, some fat kid crying (and I mean crying) about Chris Benoit. It just makes me want to grow long hair and rip it right out. I mean, cant they do something productive?