kevin95's Avatar
46 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
I was born in 95 so i got the last of the 90's and i loved it when it was actually worth getting up early to watch cartoons and playing sega genises it was the best! but now its over they took all the good shows off the air like tiny toons gumbi alvin and the chitmunks and many more :[
    2602 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    We have a thread about that around here somewhere.
      843 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      I was born in 95 so i got the last of the 90's and i loved it when it was actually worth getting up early to watch cartoons and playing sega genises it was the best! but now its over they took all the good shows off the air like tiny toons gumbi alvin and the chitmunks and many more :[

      [FONT=Impact]yeah i feel ya on that one gumby was one of the best...cartoon network and nick both suck they should go back to the old schedules[/FONT]
        Krayzee's Avatar
        1032 Posts
        17 years, 6 months ago
        i feel ya man.

        i was born in 92, so i know how it was for the Genesis, it kicked major ace. and Saturday Morning Cartoons REALLY need to come back.
        92 til Infinity
          1032 Posts
          17 years, 6 months ago
          Yeah gustogummi is right I thought we had a thread about this already
            tyrusspunk's Avatar
            212 Posts
            17 years, 6 months ago
            I can see people who grew up in the 80s saying the 90s isnt retro.

            Well, in my opinion something is retro when its time period has a considerable diff from today.

            [RANT!] The world today is a lot diff than it was in the 90s. Crappy tv shows, people complaining about terrorism, iraq... Reality tv on at 8:00pm on every channel...

            Kids cant even be kids today, b/c the media is telling them to not watch tv and eat healthy, etc. Now im for this, but let kids be kids. If they have a fair balance they can be fine. All the new shows for kids have hidden messages encouraging exercise or preaching liberal beliefs.

            What happened to plain 'ol funny cartoons like the looney toons, and even many 90s series. Sure some of these shows, like the old looney toons, did have political messages, but they werent aimed at the kids. They ususally wouldnt have the knowledge to get them anyway. [RANT!/]
              2602 Posts
              17 years, 6 months ago
              The 90s was more cynical and laid back compared to the 80s. I call it "The slacker decade"
                bhavok's Avatar
                192 Posts
                17 years, 6 months ago
                I was born in 95 so i got the last of the 90's and i loved it when it was actually worth getting up early to watch cartoons and playing sega genises it was the best! but now its over they took all the good shows off the air like tiny toons gumbi alvin and the chitmunks and many more :[

                If you were born in 1995, that would make you 12-13 now, do your parents know that your on the internet?
                Billy Idol gets it, why doesn't she?
                  avaitor's Avatar
                  789 Posts
                  17 years, 6 months ago
                  The 90s was more cynical and laid back compared to the 80s. I call it "The slacker decade"

                  Eh, basically.
                    Krayzee's Avatar
                    1032 Posts
                    17 years, 6 months ago
                    to me, 1991-1995 is retro-ish.

                    1996-1999 don't fit yet for some reason.
                    92 til Infinity
                      stupidpuppet's Avatar
                      54 Posts
                      17 years, 6 months ago
                      to me, 1991-1995 is retro-ish.

                      1996-1999 don't fit yet for some reason.

                      i agree. i graduate high school in 96, so maybe that's why. anything when i was in school has a retro-tinge to it.
                      [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]C'mon, Romy, let's just go dance with ourselves.[/FONT]
                        Caps_2-0's Avatar
                        2745 Posts
                        17 years, 6 months ago
                        Retro is what you make it. Me? I'm nostalgiac for the times of 2000 and 2001. I'm also nostalgiac for the beginning of VH1's "I Love..." programs, Vanilla Coke, my greatest Walt Disney World visit in 2004...This decade kicks ass, and I'll reminisce about this decade any day.

                        I think a lot of it has to do with personal experience. I don't want to remember the 90s. My dad's death, 4 school transfers, time in a youth hospital...I don't want to remember any of it. While I did enjoy some stuff in the 90s, and I'm appreciating more of it this decade, all in all, the 90s held too many painful memories on a personal level and that's why I'll never truly be nostalgiac for it.
                          369 Posts
                          17 years, 6 months ago
                          Born on 1991, so yeah, I grew up watching awesome cartoons like Doug, Rugrats
                            180 Posts
                            17 years, 6 months ago
                            Yeah, I liked the early 90's especially cos that's when SEGA ruled supreme. Now it's Sony, Microsoft, mobile phones, you name it. Way too commercialised and expensive now.

                            You either gotta have money or you lose out on everything that is worth having..
                              84 Posts
                              17 years, 6 months ago
                              Wow. It's a lot of people here that were born in the 90's. I was born in 1984 so I got a chance to experience a glimpse of the beautiful 80's and ALL of the 90's. The 90's was a beautiful decade and will probably be the most remembered and most favorite decade of my life.
                                Caps_2-0's Avatar
                                2745 Posts
                                17 years, 6 months ago
                                Wow. It's a lot of people here that were born in the 90's.

                                I was actually born in 1982. Pop-culturally, I would call myself an "adopted child of the 80s", since I've gained such an appreciation of it over the years.

                                My article "Don't Call Me A Poser" tells the entire story of my life in the 90s...Of how 80s culture kept me going through a lot of rough shit.

                                I know more about the 80s than the 90s, but I'm still technically a child of the 90s. I wish I wasn't, though.
                                  2602 Posts
                                  17 years, 6 months ago
                                  I was born in 1977, so I was a teen of the 90s. But I wish I was a teen in the 80s instead.
                                    180 Posts
                                    17 years, 6 months ago
                                    Name any 80's band out there. I know em' all.

                                    Unless it's Rock. But it is mainly Pop I admire.
                                      2638 Posts
                                      17 years, 6 months ago
                                      I enjoyed a good portion of the 90's. It was a pretty great decade, in the early 90's I remember rushing to get home from school to watch Animaniacs and reruns of WKRP and the Adams Family. There was lots of great new music at the time and also in the early 90's alot of classic rock bands put out boxed sets with improved sound and rare tracks. I bought The Who's and Yes' and would listen to them for ages. I never had my own video game sytem but I played Sonic and Mario alot at other people's houses. I always liked Sega and Sonic better than the Nintendo stuff.

                                      The mid 90's wasn't that great for me personally, bullying issues and problems at home but '95 - '96 I still found pop culture stuff to enjoy. The sitcoms and movies were good, alternative music I liked most of, and there were a whole bunch of Beatles, Rolling Stones and Who archive releases to enjoy. Things picked up again from '97 till the end of the decade. I got to travel across Canada alot and had a great time. I reached the end of my teens at the end of the decade.
                                        1 Posts
                                        17 years, 6 months ago
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