JerseyJ's Avatar
533 Posts
17 years, 6 months ago
Do you believe that censorship is a good thing? Why or why not?
I say that it's a bad thing because if they can't censor individuals from doing things that a few whiners can't handle, then they shouldn't be restricting everything that the rest of the world wants to see. TV, video games, etc. should be shown however the creators want them to be shown and if some people find them to be offensive and/or can't handle fiction, then they should either change the channel or shut up.
It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
    SlippyFist's Avatar
    125 Posts
    17 years, 6 months ago
    All I have to say with it is, you don't like it....change the channel. Don't want your kids watching a parent and don't let them watch it!!!!!! Damn FCC
      kayvee's Avatar
      3672 Posts
      17 years, 6 months ago
      Censorship really isn't as big of a problem as it was 20 years ago.
        2503 Posts
        17 years, 6 months ago
        Man, fuck the FCC. Conservative basturds...
        Don't ruin mine and everyone else's fun just cause a few whiny bitches send you postcards.

        Now, I admit, there should be somethings that shouldn't be on TV at all (racial/religion hatred, porno, etc.), but that's about it. The FCC goes too damn for all the damn time, pussifying this upcoming generation. Sheltering these kids from the real world, until they get to the real world and they end up getting fucked over cause they didn't hate the slightest idea what the real world was about.
        Other than the major extremes...the FCC is crap.
          Posterboykelly's Avatar
          17 years, 6 months ago
          I feel like it CAN be good, but over all I don't like the idea. Here's why: I don't think the government should have any say in way a private buisness runs it self (assuming there is no REAL crime happening, stealing, killing etc.) On that note, if you do't want your kid or family watching it, don't LET them. I know that can be easier said than done though. SO, I have no major issue with the FCC, it's not like I want to watch anything they'd block, but if I had to choose. I'd say NO FCC. It has +'s and -'s though.
            JerseyJ's Avatar
            533 Posts
            17 years, 6 months ago
            Man, fuck the FCC. Conservative basturds...
            Don't ruin mine and everyone else's fun just cause a few whiny bitches send you postcards. The FCC goes too damn for all the damn time, pussifying this upcoming generation. Sheltering these kids from the real world, until they get to the real world and they end up getting fucked over cause they didn't hate the slightest idea what the real world was about.

            My point, EXACTLY
            It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
            Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
              kayvee's Avatar
              3672 Posts
              17 years, 6 months ago
              Man, fuck the FCC. Conservative basturds...
              Don't ruin mine and everyone else's fun just cause a few whiny bitches send you postcards.

              Now, I admit, there should be somethings that shouldn't be on TV at all (racial/religion hatred, porno, etc.), but that's about it. The FCC goes too damn for all the damn time, pussifying this upcoming generation. Sheltering these kids from the real world, until they get to the real world and they end up getting fucked over cause they didn't hate the slightest idea what the real world was about.
              Other than the major extremes...the FCC is crap.

              ok, the fcc is crap. thats about speech rights and other issues.

              But do you really think the fcc has anything to do with why kids are weak today? seems silly to answer Yes

              It has more to do with kids not knowing what a hard days work is like. Also, it has more to do with the way kids get everything handed to them on a silver platter.

              That's what softens the core.
                2503 Posts
                17 years, 6 months ago
                ok, the fcc is crap. thats about speech rights and other issues.

                But do you really think the fcc has anything to do with why kids are weak today?

                It has more to do with kids not knowing what a hard days work is like. Also, it has more to do with the way kids get everything handed to them on a silver platter.

                That's what softens the core.

                Well, to me, it seems that parents want to shelter there kids from every single thing possible in the world and, as you said, give everything to them on a silver platter. It starts with the parents and that philosophy has seemed to reach all the way to the government. I guess there lies the problem I have with the FCC. They adopted bad parenting philosophies.
                  JerseyJ's Avatar
                  533 Posts
                  17 years, 6 months ago
                  Kids hardly get things on a silver platter. They have to deal with lazy parents, pedophiles, and so on and so forth while the parents (and almost every other adult for that matter) just look for reasons to beat them, restrict damn near everything because they're too neglectful to teach right from wrong, abort them, give them little to no allowance, and don't teach them about pedophiles. Worst of all, the kids (for some ignorant reason) can't get them back after all the stuff the put them through.
                  It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
                  Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
                    kayvee's Avatar
                    3672 Posts
                    17 years, 6 months ago
                    You can't view parents as one collective group. Each parent has there own way of raising their child and believe it or not its not always bad. It's sounds to me like you got a raw deal and now you’re pissed.

                    Maybe your childhood wasn’t perfect, but you know what? that’s life. It’s up to you now to turn it around and out-grow all those bad memories. If you thought childhood was bad, you're going to love adulthood.
                      JerseyJ's Avatar
                      533 Posts
                      17 years, 6 months ago
                      What I was saying was that some parents aren't even trying to do anything to help break most of the age barriers. Usually when they want to do something for the children, it involves taking things away from them. Also, kids get disrespected on a daily basis by adults but if a kid disrespects an adult, it's controversal. I wasn't trying to say that my life was messed up.
                      It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
                      Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
                        kayvee's Avatar
                        3672 Posts
                        17 years, 6 months ago
                        On the flipside, kids aren't as innocent as one might think. Sometimes you gotta go old school on 'em!

                        Just kidding, I know you're sensitive to all that. It's all good man, just try and see things both ways from time to time.
                          JerseyJ's Avatar
                          533 Posts
                          17 years, 6 months ago
                          Thanks. When I was a kid, my best friend and I used to always talk about how messed up it is that kids getting treated the way they do. We always said we would never do that. Now, for some reason he agrees with the exact thing we said we would never do. He even tried to get me into that, but I'm like, "chill cuddy"
                          It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
                          Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
                            kayvee's Avatar
                            3672 Posts
                            17 years, 6 months ago
                            haha, I think we are having this conversation in two threads

                            sorry folks!
                              Brookie79's Avatar
                              428 Posts
                              17 years, 6 months ago
                              I think the fcc is a bunch of bull crap, No matter how you censorship movies, tv or music a child is still going to see it or hear it. Their is no point for it the more you hide its like reverse psychiatry a child is going to go out of their way to find it.
                              " who sole task is to seek out and eradicate the true source of mans inhumanity to man" equilibrium
                                Megagents's Avatar
                                1257 Posts
                                17 years, 6 months ago
                                The FCC is just a big waste of time and money. In fact it's just a bunch of adults who need something to do to keep themselves busy. Some things are worthy of censorship but not everything. Between the FCC and the ERSB i'd say I hate... both of them equally. :D
                                  Iloveth80sfan911's Avatar
                                  17 years, 6 months ago
                                  I don't like the FCC one little bit, but we should keep the warnings before shows so sensitive & kid views know that something might be something of offensive nature.
                                  Narrator: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside :twisted:
                                    99Centsplease's Avatar
                                    518 Posts
                                    17 years, 6 months ago
                                    But we have to look at the FCC in another light: without it, some of the TV stations/channels we watch and radio stations we listen to everyday wouldn't even exist.

                                    But I do hate their censorship crackdowns. People are freestanding, thinking creatures who don't need another entity to choose what they should or shouldn't accept.
                                    500th post reached July 2, 2007.
                                      kayvee's Avatar
                                      3672 Posts
                                      17 years, 6 months ago
                                      Talk hard!

                                      (sorry, that was a Pump up the Volume reference)
                                        shiroihikari's Avatar
                                        1751 Posts
                                        17 years, 6 months ago
                                        There is a time and a place for censorship, but people really try to take it too far. Though honestly, standards have gotten WAY more lax compared to 20 years ago. (The problem now is that a lot of shows suck whether they're censored or not.)
                                        Coming Soon to Nostalgia Junkie: Nostalgiathon 2009!
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