A popular form of playing music before the invention of cds. Record players were popular from the 50s-80s. The records were much larger in size than cds. It's hard to explain how they work because I don't know what the thing you put on the record to make it spin is called. I was only born in 1991 however I know about record players because my dad still has a record player from when he was growing up and it's in the basement in my home. As a child i've seen him put it on to show me and my younger bro what they were like. Also cds weren't invented until 1985 believe it or not. A lot of 1984 and before records were converted into cds in the 80s and 90s.
Basically, you buy a record, which is just a vinyl disc with tiny grooves on it, and place it on the turntable. You put the arm with the needle down at the beginning of the record and the needle travels in the groove and hits tiny bumps, which vibrates the needle. These vibrations (which is the song basically) are transmitted to the amplifier (whether internal or an external receiver) and transmitted through the speakers. You can actually hear the song faintly if you put your ear up to the needle while the record's spinning with the needle on it...I remember discovering this when I was really young and being totally enthralled by it :)
BTW, music that was recorded during the record's days sounds so much better on vinyl then it does on CD, there's a lot more warmth to the sound and cd's just can't reproduce that. I've got some Black Sabbath, The Doors, Pink Floyd, and other classic rock on vinyl (from my dad), and it sounds great.