17 years, 5 months ago
Whatever happened to your childhood friends?
    MissALibra86's Avatar
    521 Posts
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Most of my childhood friends are at the community college in my town, and a couple of them have moved out of state. I still keep in touch with some of them, especially my best friend from kindergarten.

    And welcome to Retrojunk Fanofthe80s! Say hello on the Newbies thread first, then discover how this wonderful website transports you back to your childhood - you will find a plethora of articles, commercials, and pop culture information about the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
    You cannot leave the magic - Down at Fraggle Rock!

    Anyone who sings like that should be dragged out into the street and shot - Garfield

    I'm not messy. I'm organizationally challenged ! -Garfield

    "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!" - Tigger
      843 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      i still talk to alot of them but my 1ST best friend moved away somewhere he was my killer instinct/zombies ate my neighboors buddy..i wonder where he is now his name was Danny Watts:cool:
        2638 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        I gradually lost touch with all of them. Someday I'll try and look some of them up again.
          Caps_2-0's Avatar
          2745 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          I was hoping a thread like this would come up soon.

          My friend situation is this...While I regularly talk on the phone with my high school buddy Alex, I haven't seen him in the flesh since I left high school in 2001.

          I recently resumed my friendship with my childhood friend Dave.

          I don't really talk to my childhood friends Daryl or Paul anymore.

          Here's the final one: I had a friend named Joe. I was friends with him for almost a decade-and-a-half. The last time I saw him was last year. I tried contacting him multiple times but nothing ever came of it, and now I know why. On the way home from my psychologist, my mom and I visited his old house. I knocked on the door to see if he was there. Instead, the new owner showed up. I asked about the old owners (Joe's family) and he revealed to me that they moved down South. He didn't have any leads or anything. I thanked him and left.

          Now I'm pissed at Joe. How come he didn't tell me he was moving? Why didn't he contact me to tell me? The fucker just up and left.

          I hope nobody here has had to deal with my situation.
            JerseyJ's Avatar
            533 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            My ex-best friend from Newark, whom I knew since 1990 (His birth year), is now a Blood member living in Georgia.

            A girl who lived in my apartment building and moved around 1998, whom I had a crush on at the time, is 19 and dropped out of high school at age 16. She also lives in Georgia right now.

            A boy who lived in my apartment building in 1997 and left in 1998-1999 is also a high school dropout living in Patterson. He's 17 and his parents never taught him to read.

            A boy who lived downstairs from me moved in 1993-1994 and I hadn't heard from him since.

            Two brothers from my building moved around 1994-1995 and I saw them twice, in 1997 and 2000.

            My life might not be the least depressing in the world, but I'm living a better life than them. When we used to chill together, I never expected to be the only one to not drop out of high school.
            It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
            Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
            www.tv-links.co.uk www.retrojunk.com
              lorax's Avatar
              977 Posts
              17 years, 5 months ago
              My two best childhood friends still live down the street from my old house (well, technically their parents do). In fact all of my neighbor friends' parents still live in our old neighborhood. I saw them yesterday actually and we went to a movie

              The friends that didn't live in my neighborhood but i went school with have mostly all scattered about. I still keep in touch with the ones i want to keep in touch with.
              "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
                brown_eyed1's Avatar
                1948 Posts
                17 years, 5 months ago
                My two very best childhood friends that I've known my whole life I still see all the time.

                Elementary school friends? I just lost touch. I looked them up on myspace about a month or so ago, to see what they're like now, and......My third grade boyfriend has become a (handsome) stoner.

                Boy, did I know how to pick 'em.... :rolleyes:
                Cookie!!! OM NOM NOM!
                  pikachulover's Avatar
                  2944 Posts
                  17 years, 5 months ago
                  I found one of them on classmates. She remembered that I use to live by the Toys R Us
                    Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                    5870 Posts
                    17 years, 5 months ago
                    Almost all are doing nothing with their lives... just droning about, doing nothing in particular. Some are in school, some are in soon-to-be-failed first marriages.

                    The only interesting one is my old best friend that had his place raided by the FBI.
                      769 Posts
                      17 years, 5 months ago
                      I don't really talk to friends from elementary school, but I'm still very good friends with the ones from middle school. One of them moved here to Louisiana, and I technically met my husband through her (and myspace).
                        jadedoz's Avatar
                        711 Posts
                        17 years, 5 months ago
                        My best friend from infance school is still my best friend, but all my other friends from both primary and high school I have lost touch with.
                          402 Posts
                          17 years, 5 months ago
                          Let's go by era here...

                          THE EARLY DAYS OF THE NEIGHBORHOOD/PRESCHOOL (1986-1992)
                          Three of these folks are my friends on Facebook. One of them still refers to me as a neighbor even though we haven't lived on the same street in 12 years. There's a fourth guy on MySpace who I've added as a friend. None of us really talk except the girl who calls me "neighbor"--we just really acknowledged that we're all still alive, basically.

                          MY FIRST ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (1992-1995)
                          A lot of these people have either found me or I've found them on Facebook or MySpace. I talk to some of them more than others. Some of these people were folks I hadn't seen in a decade when I first contacted them. Again, I think we basically were seeing who was alive.

                          MY SECOND ELEMENTARY SCHOOL (1995-1998)
                          Some of these guys went to high school with me. Many of them I remained close to. Others not so much. Some of us wish each other happy birthdays on Facebook, etc but don't go beyond that. There are only two people I still correspond with regularly from this era.

                          MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL (1998-2005)
                          I met most of my closest friends when I was older. We still hang out, talk a lot, etc. One of them goes to college with me and is my best friend on campus.

                          THE UNEXPECTED
                          Two good stories from college. I Facebooked one of my pals from early elementary school in the Spring of 2006 when I saw she had transferred to my school. We didn't recognize each other at all, having last met in Spring 1995. She got me up to speed about other people from my old school and seemed surprised to see an old friend. She didn't even recognize my name at first and just thought I was some random kid trying to make friends on campus!

                          The other story is a little sweeter. I was walking down the hall to a class one day and the dance team was selling baked goods. Now I never see the dance people since they're in a completely different building than everyone else so I had no idea who was in it except for this one girl in my history class. Anyway, I am walking to class and I see someone who looks familiar to me. She sees me too and strikes first, asking me where I went to elementary and middle school. I recognized her immediately--she just sort of disappeared one day in eighth grade. I didn't think I would ever see her again and there she was, attending my school! She's the one who made it worth attending math class in fifth and sixth grade. Like me she also had the uncanny knack of being able to argue with teachers, so we got along really well all the time. It was great to catch up with her. That was really late in the semester so hopefully with the new semester on the horizon we can meet up again for lunch or something.

                          As for my best friend--well, I met him in 2003 through work and he just called me today, so we're still in touch.
                            graziehart's Avatar
                            168 Posts
                            17 years, 5 months ago
                            Most of my childhood friends doesn't stay in our community anymore. Some of them gets married, some are still studying and some got a job and now working..:)
                            [font="Verdana"]Latest TV Shows on DVD * Fabulous TV Shows * TV Shows on DVD * [url="http://topmusicartist.blo
                              April1980's Avatar
                              176 Posts
                              17 years, 5 months ago
                              A good question.

                              The oldest friend I am in contact with goes back to 1990 to 1992 between the ages of 10 and 12.

                              With my father being in the Army, we moved house a lot from my birth until I was 13 when he left the Army. Every 2 years we'd up sticks and move. This meant that I'd loose contact with my friends.

                              Consequently, I know no one from before the age of 10. I have vague memories of a few friends from between the ages of 4 and 6 and I've tracked down my first school. But all attempts to trace anyone have so far drawn a blank.

                              Thanks to friendsreunited.com, my good friend Mark, whom I met at school when I was 10, then lost contact with when he moved away when we were both 12, contacted me last year and our friendship is just as solid today as it was when we last played outside together in the summer sun of 1992.
                              We recently returned to Germany to the place we had met and stomped around in. A fabulous retro tour that was.
                              The ongoing voyages of a retro junkie
                                agentkev's Avatar
                                819 Posts
                                17 years, 5 months ago
                                WARNING..gonna be long lol. I loved my friends... I'll NEVER EVER forget them..

                                I was apart of the best tight nitted group EVER.

                                This is my tribute to them..my friends...

                                A group consiting of good friends growing up.. we were misfits.. but we didn't care. We were all pretty much around the same age.. going into our teens in the early 1990's.

                                My brother Matt,..well... he was apart of the circle but not like he's gone lol.

                                Jason, weird guy,..fun,..probably the most popular with others in the group..but was pretty loyal then. Total jester of the group. was one of the youngest members of our circle. He's still around and comes by every once and awhile... is different now as he used to smoke alot of weed.. but he swears he's quit,.. still drinks though.

                                Chris, Jason's older brother. Got us into comic books and the X-Men way before the animated series came out. Kick ass guy as well. had a history of saying dumb things that we make fun of still to this day lol. Currently he's moved to be with his GF he met online,... married and has kids, Miss him alot,..he'd still come around if he was here... He wants to come back,..but he said that he'd need a steady job here to support his family.

                                Scott,..kinda well... odd... was nicknamed "Jay Sherman" of the Critic TV show. by everyone in middle school since he looked like him lol. Was heavily into star trek and the civil war and military... grew up and grew out of his military phase. lol He is still around and comes around fairly often, recently his GF moved in with him and they are gonna have twins soon.

                                Tim,...one of the yuongest of our group,.. he was at least 6 years younger then the rest of us. He was a tag along and we messed with him alot..like hide the best you could when he knocked when he knew you where there. lol every group usually has one,..but he was still an ok guy. loyal. He had alot of trouble growing up..kinda makes ya feel bad for messin with him when he was younger. Currently he is in jail, for something I think is bull,..but whatever,.. he's been in and out like three times.. the times he went back in was his own stupid fault for breaking his parole.

                                James, another big joker of the group..made us laugh plenty of times. He was kinda late joiner.. he joined us back when we were starting high school. Me and him bonded fast.. I used to call him my brother.
                                He always had odd nicknames like "porkchop". He was highly into Anime and I credit the man for getting me into pokemon. Lately he's gotten involve in a new group of friends.. which upsets me.. in a way i feel he abandoned us because his other group all have like awesome computers all networked in a room and such. He barely comes around anymore and it's heartbreaking to me.. he was my best friend. I haven't seen him in over a year... he says it's because his truck..which we dubbed,..the "mischief maker" broke down..wich it did.. but I really wish he'd try harder because he didn't come by much before it broke down :(

                                Casey.. a late comer... didn't start to hang out with us until we were in our high school days. Cool guy.. always helped out if needed. Kinda preachy about religion..but he was a good guy you have back you up. one day he just disappered and stop hanging around. course he's said it's because it was time he was starting his life, he used to be REALLY girl crazy and wanted the hottest chicks.. but eventually he gave up and married..well.. a rather..large woman... and this guy was scrawny as a twig. last I heard he's been.....well acting like the complete opposite of when he was younger.. I hope not.. he was a good guy.

                                Lil' Chris... he was a young kid across the street from my place.. we didn't hang out with him as he was like almost ten years younger then all of us.. he didn't start coming around and we started to hang out sometime around 1999, we dub him this since we already have a Chris lol. He still hangs out to this day and comes around still the most. Cool guy... loves his Jack daniels though...

                                my oldest brother.... he wasn't part of the circle but he was around... he kinda used to poke fun at us.

                                Yeah I know mine was too long but that was my tribute to them. I'd never ask for a better group... and I feel sorry for my friend Scott's little brother.. all his friends are thiving little punks and I feel bad he'll not have such a tight nit group like his older brother did..
                                nWo 4-Life!

                                Resident Pokemon Advisor :)
                                  hsmith98's Avatar
                                  3097 Posts
                                  17 years, 5 months ago

                                  Here is one of them, I lost touch with him.

                                  My best friend from my childhood moved away when I was 12, we kept in touch till his senior year of high school, but then we both stopped writing. In the last year I have been trying to find him. But it has not been easy.
                                    JerseyJ's Avatar
                                    533 Posts
                                    17 years, 5 months ago
                                    When I first saw that pic (I saw the top half first) I thought the elephant was your friend. lmao.:o
                                    It is better to be hated for standing by your beliefs than it is to be loved for biting your tongue.
                                    Some call it obsession, some call it a hobby... I call it personality.
                                    www.tv-links.co.uk www.retrojunk.com
                                      agentkev's Avatar
                                      819 Posts
                                      17 years, 5 months ago

                                      Here is one of them, I lost touch with him.

                                      My best friend from my childhood moved away when I was 12, we kept in touch till his senior year of high school, but then we both stopped writing. In the last year I have been trying to find him. But it has not been easy.

                                      at first i thought you were the guy and the elephant was your friend lol
                                      nWo 4-Life!

                                      Resident Pokemon Advisor :)
                                        OldSchool90s's Avatar
                                        126 Posts
                                        17 years, 5 months ago
                                        i still talk to my childhood friends... cuz we cool laddat haha
                                        "I've never really wanted to go to japan, simply because I don't really like eating fish, and i know thats very popular out there in Africa" - Britney Spears
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