Oh my god! *Teary eyed* my god I just can't think of anything to say he will be missed most greatly this is truly a sad day he made me and I thousands of people all over the world laugh R.I.P We will miss you.
Its times like these that just make me feel wierd I Mean I never actually knew him but its still so sad like I did know him I mean you hear about death every single damn day but when it happens to the people that make you laugh it just really hurts this is the saddest day of the year.
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Oh my god! *Teary eyed* my god I just can't think of anything to say he will be missed most greatly this is truly a sad day he made me and I thousands of people all over the world laugh R.I.P We will miss you.
Its times like these that just make me feel wierd I Mean I never actually knew him but its still so sad like I did know him I mean you hear about death every single damn day but when it happens to the people that make you laugh it just really hurts this is the saddest day of the year.
Im sorry if this is totally random or if nobody knows this guy. But the Tourettes Guy died :( I was a big fan of his.........I just cant believe hes dead.
Im sorry if this is totally random or if nobody knows this guy. But the Tourettes Guy died :( I was a big fan of his.........I just cant believe hes dead.