nosferatu221's Avatar
182 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
another sports legend dies.
    Iloveth80sfan911's Avatar
    17 years, 5 months ago
    Wow! There have been a few deaths this month & we are just 14 days in to it. First Merv, then that wrestler, & now Phil Rizzuto.
    Narrator: Man lives in the sunlit world of what he believes to be reality. But... there is, unseen by most, an underworld, a place that is just as real, but not as brightly lit... a Darkside :twisted:
      MrCleveland's Avatar
      1066 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      The best Rizzuto moment I remember was when Adam Sandler wrote his name with some weird-ass z's. And then Adam Sandler said "I don't need school and I don't need this learning. Because I'm Adam Sandler, Bitch!"

      Okay, the last line wasn't true. And don't forget Lee Hazelwood's death.
        musicradio77's Avatar
        739 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        I saw that on the news today and it was very sad. I love his phrase on every game "Holy cow!" Remember when Harry Caray was a sportscaster for the Chicago Cubs? He says the same thing like Phil Rizzuto does.

        He was doing Yankees baseball on WPIX-TV as a sportscaster for many, many years. He was "The Scooter". I saw him at Yankees Stadium in person back in 1994 when he was doing his Hall of Fame induction ceremony right before the game. Phil has been broadcasting Yankee games for such a long time when he on WPIX-TV since the 70's and the 80's as well as the 90's. I saw him since I was a kid when channel 11 was part of Yankees baseball. WPIX-TV was the Yankees station and it was part of the staple.

        I missed him so much when he was on TV. RIP. :(
          Ilikethepixies's Avatar
          5870 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          They just played his hall of fame induction speach on ESPN Classic. He was hilarious.
            musicradio77's Avatar
            739 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            I guess Phil Rizzuto was also appeared on a song called "Paradise By the Dashboard Light" by Meatloaf. It was a good song and it was taken from the album "Bat Out of Hell" back in 1977. That song was a classic in a tribute to the late Phil Rizzuto. Everyone loves that song, because of him as a sportscaster for the Yankees.

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