NickRules's Avatar
4941 Posts
17 years, 5 months ago
Omg >_< I thought Bratz were bad......WHAT MESSAGE ARE THESE DOLLS SENDING LITTLE KIDS?! OMG!!!!!

Has anyone seen this commercial?!
    Kisenianblossom's Avatar
    17 years, 5 months ago
    [FONT="Comic Sans MS"]Hey, stupid and pretty sales. It's that simple. What can ya do?

    Yes, it is sad, but they did the exact same thing to us with what was hot at the time... it just wasn't nearly as slutty.
      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
      5870 Posts
      17 years, 5 months ago
      Omg Fart Down My Butt!!!
        3338 Posts
        17 years, 5 months ago
        Yes I saw the commercial. Yeah I don't know what type of message dolls today are sending little girls. When I saw that commercial yes they dressed slutty but at least it's not as bad as Bratz.
          NickRules's Avatar
          4941 Posts
          17 years, 5 months ago
          Yes I saw the commercial. Yeah I don't know what type of message dolls today are sending little girls. When I saw that commercial yes they dressed slutty but at least it's not as bad as Bratz.

          Its pretty bad, im sure more girls look up to Barbie than Bratz. That commercial is an eating disorder waiting to happen, and FISH NETS? Come on.
            Jesus_crysus's Avatar
            1260 Posts
            17 years, 5 months ago
            bratz r gay and stupid
            big head dolls thats dumb

              adventure_of_link's Avatar
              17 years, 5 months ago
              crysus: please stop with the homophobic bashing
                4135 Posts
                17 years, 5 months ago
                .... Look, Nick, we know you you have a problem with these dolls, but so what. Girls have been playing with Barbie dolls sinse the '50's or before even. It's fine. Let the girls have their toys. Saying that these dolls teaches young girls to be sluts is like saying Ninja Turtles and GIJoes teach boys to be violent. So what's worse, being slutty or being violent

                Omg Fart Down My Butt!!!

                Haha! I love you, Pixies
                  Megagents's Avatar
                  1257 Posts
                  17 years, 5 months ago
                  I saw nothing wrong with that commercial, why don't you guys ever talk about those pagents were the mothers dress their 3 to 6 year olds like sluts because they never made little miss America? I don't see any threads about that stuff around, I wonder why.
                    adventure_of_link's Avatar
                    17 years, 5 months ago
                    He just means it as an insult, he's not trying to bash homosexuals.

                    it's still an insult to people of the same sex, hence, why it is forbidden.
                      Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                      1260 Posts
                      17 years, 5 months ago
                      how is that a homophob way
                      it wasnt directed at a homosexual

                      JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                        adventure_of_link's Avatar
                        17 years, 5 months ago
                        you called something gay, which is a demeaning term for a homosexual

                        3. No hate speech.
                        No racial slurs, religious discrimination, sexism, homophobic remarks[/b], etc. Retro Junk is open and welcoming to everyone, and we plan on keeping it that way.
                          Shazbot's Avatar
                          2865 Posts
                          17 years, 5 months ago
                          how is that a homophob way
                          it wasnt directed at a homosexual

                          Put it this way, do you think they'd allow you to call someone a "n***er" on here even if you didn't think it were racist coz the target were caucasian?
                            NickRules's Avatar
                            4941 Posts
                            17 years, 5 months ago
                            Dont get my thread closed because you guys cant stop fighting.

                            And what? "Girls have been playing with dolls for ages, its fine"? Your insane. Barbie is the "image of perfection" for this nation, which is why millions of girls a day develop eating disorders and get boob implants and dont think their good enough because of these STUPID dolls everybody looks up too. And now many girls are going to want to be a "top teen model".......and you think this is OKAY? Your insane if you think dolls like this have no negative effect on young girls.
                              Megagents's Avatar
                              1257 Posts
                              17 years, 5 months ago
                              Dont get my thread closed because you guys cant stop fighting.

                              And what? "Girls have been playing with dolls for ages, its fine"? Your insane. Barbie is the "image of perfection" for this nation, which is why millions of girls a day develop eating disorders and get boob implants and dont think their good enough because of these STUPID dolls everybody looks up too. And now many girls are going to want to be a "top teen model".......and you think this is OKAY? Your insane if you think dolls like this have no negative effect on young girls.

                              1. What's wrong with a teenager wanting to be model?

                              2. Take a look at what I said about pagents on the first page.

                              3. What about action figures that are all about action and violence?

                              4. Do you think being a model leads to something bad? Why?
                                Jesus_crysus's Avatar
                                1260 Posts
                                17 years, 5 months ago
                                whatever ill let u guys win

                                JOIN THE REVOLUTION
                                  NickRules's Avatar
                                  4941 Posts
                                  17 years, 5 months ago
                                  1. What's wrong with a teenager wanting to be model?

                                  2. Take a look at what I said about pagents on the first page.

                                  3. What about action figures that are all about action and violence?

                                  4. Do you think being a model leads to something bad? Why?

                                  1) Nothing, a person should want to be a model because its their dream, not because of some Barbie in fishnets.

                                  2) Those pagents ARE horrible, I never said they wernt.

                                  3) I dont agree with those either, but Barbies are clearly more worse than G.I wont develop eating disorders and hate the way you look because of a G.I Joe.

                                  4) No I dont think being a model leads to something bad, unless you do it for the wrong reasons.

                                  Its pure and simple, Barbies should not be dressing and acting like that.....little girls look up to those dolls and the workers at Mattel(sp) know that, which is exactly why they make Barbies like they do. Because that type of crap sells.

                                  Instead of making Barbies have an occupation as a teacher or a scientist or a doctor, they dress them up as hookers and make all the little girls want to be "top models". How can ANY good come from that?
                                    Megagents's Avatar
                                    1257 Posts
                                    17 years, 5 months ago
                                    1) Nothing, a person should want to be a model because its their dream, not because of some Barbie in fishnets.

                                    You sound like an overweight person who blames McDonalds for their obesity. Mattel is not trying to tell people to become models, it's a toy line that teenage girls may find interesting. It's the girls' decision what they want to do, besides, what person changes their lifestyle because of a doll?

                                    Its pure and simple, Barbies should not be dressing and acting like that.....little girls look up to those dolls and the workers at Mattel(sp) know that, which is exactly why they make Barbies like they do. Because that type of crap sells.

                                    Well I doubt they have anything to gain from grils becoming models and they're a company and we all know big business is just for the green and not what people really want.

                                    Instead of making Barbies have an occupation as a teacher or a scientist or a doctor, they dress them up as hookers and make all the little girls want to be "top models". How can ANY good come from that?

                                    1. If you were in control of the toyline, what would you have them wear?

                                    2. They already did scientist and doctor so...
                                      NickRules's Avatar
                                      4941 Posts
                                      17 years, 5 months ago
                                      You sound like an overweight person who blames McDonalds for their obesity. Mattel is not trying to tell people to become models, it's a toy line that teenage girls may find interesting. It's the girls' decision what they want to do, besides, what person changes their lifestyle because of a doll?

                                      Well I doubt they have anything to gain from grils becoming models and they're a company and we all know big business is just for the green and not what people really want.

                                      1. If you were in control of the toyline, what would you have them wear?

                                      2. They already did scientist and doctor so...

                                      Do you have any kids? Or siblings? My little sister is 10 years old, and she likes those stupid Bratz dolls (alot like Barbie) and now she wants my mom to buy her skirts and let her wear makeup..........yet it doesnt influence a childs behavior?

                                      Little kids are like sponges, and they suck up what they see and hear....when they see a cool doll like Barbie, they want to be like her, its common sense. Maybe not for all girls, but most girls. And especially when they auctually see real life people on tv who look like her (example Paris Hilton).

                                      If I were in control of a toyline, I would make them wear jeans DUH! and respectable clothing. But I doubt my toyline would have any success when those whore Barbies in fishnets are still on the market.
                                        Megagents's Avatar
                                        1257 Posts
                                        17 years, 5 months ago
                                        Do you have any kids? Or siblings? My little sister is 10 years old, and she likes those stupid Bratz dolls (alot like Barbie) and now she wants my mom to buy her skirts and let her wear makeup..........yet it doesnt influence a childs behavior?

                                        You're right, the evil company has hypnotize your mom into buying all of that stuff. She can't say no or anything because she has to buy it, she has to obey her child.

                                        Little kids are like sponges, and they suck up what they see and hear....when they see a cool doll like Barbie, they want to be like her, its common sense. Maybe not for all girls, but most girls. And especially when they auctually see real life people on tv who look like her (example Paris Hilton).

                                        Stop letting her watch stuff like that. Control what she watches. I hate South Park but I don't watch it and then go online and complain about it. Parents need to stop letting the tv teach their kids and start teaching them what's right and wrong.

                                        If I were in control of a toyline, I would make them wear jeans DUH! and respectable clothing. But I doubt my toyline would have any success when those whore Barbies in fishnets are still on the market.

                                        Summer Edition: Hot jeans and hot sweater
                                        Beach Edition: Hot jeans and hot sweater
                                        Bedtime: Hot jeans and hot sweater
                                        School Time: Hot jeans and hot sweater
                                        Winter Edition: Hot jeans... oh wait, that one makes sense.
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