266 Posts
17 years, 4 months ago
what cable network do you hate the most?
    Megagents's Avatar
    1257 Posts
    17 years, 4 months ago
    There isn't any I hate at the moment, while some are annoying, I can't say I hate them. If I did have to choose one I guess I'd say VH1 for overdoing those hasbeens shows.
      SlippyFist's Avatar
      125 Posts
      17 years, 4 months ago
      MTV!....hate it with a passion!!
        Luna2's Avatar
        384 Posts
        17 years, 4 months ago
        FOX! they stabed kids in the back by takeing away all the cartoons and contests and there news is Bull SH!T which more offten then you think still tells people online games are bad tag is bad all sports are bad and being in the sunlight is also bad
          avaitor's Avatar
          789 Posts
          17 years, 4 months ago
          FOX! they stabed kids in the back by takeing away all the cartoons and contests and there news is Bull SH!T which more offten then you think still tells people online games are bad tag is bad all sports are bad and being in the sunlight is also bad

          I believe they mean cable, which FOX is not. Anyway, I choose FRTV, or MTV, whatever floats your boat.
            843 Posts
            17 years, 4 months ago
            [FONT=Impact]Fox and Abc Family i wish it could of stayed Fox Family[/FONT]
              MrCleveland's Avatar
              1066 Posts
              17 years, 4 months ago
              I don't own cable or satelite, but when I had it, I never liked Lifetime Movie Network that much.

              At least Oxygen, WE, and Lifetime had some shows that were tolerable for men as well as ladies.
                menasor's Avatar
                661 Posts
                17 years, 4 months ago
                where to begin, Oxygen, USA, Cinemax, and CMT
                Katon Gokakyuu No Jutsu
                  DieYuppieScum's Avatar
                  866 Posts
                  17 years, 4 months ago
                  Bet, Mtv, Vh1, Disney, Nickelodeon.
                  DieYuppieScum's Signature Image
                    Caps_2-0's Avatar
                    2745 Posts
                    17 years, 4 months ago
                    VH1 Classic. For several years, it was stunning and musical. Now, they hardly play any music at all, instead devoting most of their time to movies and documentaries. When they play music, it's usually rock music of varying stripes. The only time you'll see anything other than rock music is when "We Are The 80s" airs and that doesn't happen too often anymore.

                    I'll figure out a way to see music videos again...Just give me a chance.
                      2602 Posts
                      17 years, 4 months ago
                      MTV aka Morons Televised, Reality TV, Mindless TV etc etc.
                        TheGreatShow's Avatar
                        1084 Posts
                        17 years, 4 months ago
                        MTV because it hasnt been music television since the mid 90's. VH1 for the lack of music as well and Nicelodeon and the ohter toon networks because of a general lack of quality cartoons.
                        I Want An Emo Lawn So It Can Cut Itself
                          204 Posts
                          17 years, 4 months ago
                          As i've been saying for months now i can't stand ESPN Classic,i just wish ESPN would spare me the agony and just change the damn name to ESPN3 already.

                          oh yeah and the Viacom family of networks (w/ exception to the N)

                          and ABC family on because of their questionable progaming choice (ie Not Another Teen Movie,Cruel Intentions)
                            17 years, 4 months ago
                            Any Comcast-owned channel: E!, Golf Channel, Versus. Especially the last one, because in my town Comcast took the Sci-Fi Channel off regular cable and replaced it with this, which is really just the Outdoor Life Network with a new name.
                              17 years, 4 months ago
                              I hate Nick GaS BECAUSE its going off air and only showing Legends, and 5 other shows no one cares about. Legends = good. the rest, suck. BRING BACK MARC SUMMERS!


                              I dident find Nick Gas untill 2 months before they took off Family Double Dare... and now after reaserching the net, i find out they USED to have a bunch of old game shows i barely remember and would LOVE to see again! What Would You Do?. Think Fast, Make The Grade, AND SERIOUSLY, FAMILY DOUBLE DARE!!! I wish before they take it off the air, they would bring the shows back, but im sure they wont :(
                              "Camp Awnawana... we hold you in our hearts..."
                                avaitor's Avatar
                                789 Posts
                                17 years, 4 months ago
                                I hate Nick GaS BECAUSE its going off air and only showing Legends, and 5 other shows no one cares about. Legends = good. the rest, suck.

                                I don't know, I like GUTS about as much as Legends.

                                If I make a second vote, then obviously G4SpikeTV, or whatever it's called nowadays.
                                  WinnieThePujols's Avatar
                                  17 years, 4 months ago
                                  ESPN blows. They're so biased towards specific teams.

                                  MTV blows. All that's on there anymore is "reality" TV. I use the brackets because it's pretty obvious that those shows are, to some extent, fake.

                                  VH1 blows. It's MTV Lite.

                                  Disclaimer: I hate all of those channels and won't watch them 'cause I think they suck. However, being businesses, I think they do a good job, because they manage to suck millions of people in. It's impressive.
                                  49ers. (STL) Cardinals.
                                  I miss childhood.
                                    MissALibra86's Avatar
                                    521 Posts
                                    17 years, 4 months ago
                                    I don't like MTV either. I hate all those reality shows.

                                    Let's see - I do not have satellite, but I do have cable. I don't really like Nickelodeon or Disney nowadays (because their programming used to be better), nor do I like CourtTV all that much. A & E used to be good, but now they're showing too many reality shows as well.

                                    Also, the cable company also took Sci-fi off my regular cable, along with Hallmark Channel and the Country Music station. What a rip off - and my family still has to pay 50 bucks for less channels!

                                    I do like Lifetime and Comedy Central, though. My Mom especially loves Lifetime.
                                    You cannot leave the magic - Down at Fraggle Rock!

                                    Anyone who sings like that should be dragged out into the street and shot - Garfield

                                    I'm not messy. I'm organizationally challenged ! -Garfield

                                    "Bouncing is what Tiggers do best!" - Tigger
                                      Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                                      5870 Posts
                                      17 years, 4 months ago
                                      I agree with you Winnie, ESPN is terrible. Its golden era is far behind it, and now its just all sensationalist pseudo-journalism.

                                      And what's with that "Who's Now" thing they did? Terrible!
                                        Copper20's Avatar
                                        601 Posts
                                        17 years, 4 months ago
                                        Cartoon Network, Disney Channel, Nick, VH1, MTV. Those channels need to turn back on what they're doing now.
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