Thanks Guys, That was really solid of all of you to come offer your help on this. So I'm going to reply to each of you in this post. , Cause that was pretty damned cool of you guys :)
I think you acted perfectly fine. You are trying to help your friend out, but he clearly acted out of line.
I think anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you, both in the bringing women part and in the telling him that he's acting like an ass part.
If he is smart, he will listen. Otherwise, you've done all that you can do.
Thanks Bro, That's the way I view it too, But don't worry, he's been my friend most of my life. No mistake he ever makes will change that. I'll always be there, trying to help him as much as im able too. because there are only very few mistakes one can make that contrast the value of a true friend.
i feel for you dude. i've got a few friends that i do my utmost to help as far as i can, but when it comes to the crunch, they don't help themselves.
I back you 100%
Did he actually talk to you about something personal?
I now someone who is on some quite hard drugs, and me and a friend are just fed up of digging them out of holes, and have actually said we can't help her anymore, we've told her what we think of her habits, and don't want to stay friends with her. that sounds quite childish, but we just don't that stress when we all have our own problems
Well he never really talked to me about anything personal. That was his way of getting my undivided attention. But its all cool, I understand him. Sometimes he freaks out and doesn't know the best way to handle situations. So I forgive him.
As for your friend, Never give up her if your really her friend. I tell you from my own experience, I had a friend. she was really cool, But she was on very hard drugs. Myself I'm just an herb and alcohol man, So even though she was still my friend I distanced myself from her. That was a mistake. She needed the support. She tried to hang herself bro and she almost died, she was in intensive care for two weeks. I'm there for her now as much as I can be. Always be there for the friends that need you brother. Because sometimes we don't really know how much they truly depend on us.
1) so what, you don't try to be home edition, media center edition, or tablet PC edition?
2) professional: 2000 or XP?
3) why would you wanna be professional? you don't make $50,000-$70,000/year, you don't get salary pay, you don't have a office job, you aren't the boss of anyone, etc*
*: I really have no idea if you do any of these things :p
Lol of all the mods here, your the suavest, hands down brother. If they ever run a suavest Mod @ Rj contest, You totally have have my vote
*bows to your suavatude :cool:
I have a hard time feeling sympathy for potheads that were just looking to score for the night.
Edy your cool too, Not as cool as link, But still cool in your own way, I value that you read my situation and gave me your true honest opinion about this. The support I got from everyone here meant a lot, But I didn't just need support. I needed real opinions, And you gave that. And thats hard core cool brother.
You did the right thing, Shadow. Friends or not, you have to know when to draw the line and not let them walk all over you, and if it doesn't get any better, you're going to have to know when to move on.
Amen to that, bro. But It will always get better with me and he. We've been friends Most of our lives, weve fought like cats and dogs. We've been there for each other in times of hardship. Like when I lost my uncle, and when he lost his father. We will always have our down times. But when we both cool off it will be like this whole thing never happened :)