OldNick07's Avatar
217 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
I was born in 1984, and I was watching Nick since before I could remember. I don't know how, when, or what got me into it. I was probably 3, so it was around 1987 when I started watching it. But definitely by early 1988.

Obviously I missed all the silver ball era. Even after the show vanished in the mid 90s, I've never loved any other Nick show more than YCDTOTV, and that was most definitely old school Nick. Mr. Wizard's World was also seen everyday when I was new to Nick (even though I thought it was boring at such an early age. Now I can appreciate it).

Am I not "old school" because I missed the days of Livewire, Reggie Jackson's World of Sports, Going Great, Lights Camera Action, etc.? Or do you guys count the early orange-and-white days as "old school"?
    COOLHAND's Avatar
    2938 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    i would have to say that you are oldschool...much more then alot of people who post in here anyway
      jermandfire's Avatar
      117 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      I guess we can let you into the old school Nickelodeon club.... even though you didn't mention anything about Pinwheels spinning around.
      World's Best Myspace Page
        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
        4806 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        I was alive during the "silver ball" era, but I don't remember anything about it. Maybe my folks didn't have cable yet at that time or something. But yeah, that aside, you probably can be considered an "old school Nickelodeon watcher". I always hate to say this, but Nickelodeon in the 80s and early to mid-90s just seemed cool. Now it's just..."meh", but, I'm not sure if it's just my age (I am above the age range that the station is aimed at), or if it's the station itself.
          Pinwheel's Avatar
          532 Posts
          17 years, 3 months ago
          I'm a nick watcher since at least 1981 and I remember coming home from preschool to watch Pinwheel, Today's Special, Belle & Sebastian, etc. But for some reason, I don't really remember the silver ball logo! It looks vaguely familiar, and I have an excellent memory when it comes to this stuff..so I guess it's somewhere on the backshelf of my mind. LOL
          "It lies in the valley of the vision, where the slain are not slain with the sword. In the darkest shadows of light, there you'll find a door..."
            Timown's Avatar
            1575 Posts
            17 years, 3 months ago
            i'm a semi old schooler i suppose, i got into it 91 ish, so caught the back end of the good stuff
              OldNick07's Avatar
              217 Posts
              17 years, 3 months ago
              Someone mentioned about having good memory but some things you just can't remember... This happens to me. About "Pinwheel"... I *know* I've seen it because it disappeared in 1989 and I was watching Nick before that. But all I remember is the closing animation, NOTHING ELSE. lol. Maybe it's because I was only 5 when it went off. Not seeing something since right out of our toddler years could cause us to forget something almost completely.
                TMNT's Avatar
                5203 Posts
                17 years, 3 months ago
                Yea You are Old School Nickelodeon :) Fan
                  2602 Posts
                  17 years, 3 months ago
                  The very early days of the orange and white logo (1985-ish-1990) are old school Nickelodeon to me.

                  I watched Nickelodeon from 1981 until late 1991.
                    avaitor's Avatar
                    789 Posts
                    17 years, 3 months ago
                    From YCDTOTV to Double Dare to Clarissa Explains It All to Rugrats, I was a Nick fan. But, that sponge, god...
                      NY123's Avatar
                      343 Posts
                      17 years, 3 months ago
                      I was born in 1984, and I was watching Nick since before I could remember. I don't know how, when, or what got me into it. I was probably 3, so it was around 1987 when I started watching it. But definitely by early 1988.

                      You're more old-school than me, I started watching in '95.
                        lorax's Avatar
                        977 Posts
                        17 years, 3 months ago
                        I think you're an old school nick watcher. I think i'm on the cusp of old school. I remember YCDTOT (i had a crush on Adam) and i have some memories of Grimm's Fairytale Classics, Pinwheel,(though the memories are more like flashes of a certain part) and The Adventures of the Little Koala (i actually remember an episode). I wish i remembered everything better. I have more clear memories of the early '90s shows.
                        "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
                          MrCleveland's Avatar
                          1066 Posts
                          17 years, 3 months ago
                          1991-1997. That's when I got into Nickelodeon.

                          Give Nickelodeon an old-school network!
                            Saradomin's Avatar
                            581 Posts
                            17 years, 3 months ago
                            I agree. Nickelodean has gone downhill, and there should be an old school channel devoted to airing those older shows. I heard there was a channel called Nick GAS that has some of the game shows that were on in the 80s and early 90s, but my DirecTV provider doesn't have that channel.
                              TMNT's Avatar
                              5203 Posts
                              17 years, 3 months ago
                              Directv does not have the rights to nick gas comcast does.
                                thecrow174's Avatar
                                9986 Posts
                                17 years, 3 months ago
                                I think I'm one. I used to always watch Nickelodeon in the early 90's.

                                Come have the time of YOUR life with me and the gang at Retro-daze.org.
                                  843 Posts
                                  17 years, 3 months ago
                                  I was alive during the "silver ball" era, but I don't remember anything about it. Maybe my folks didn't have cable yet at that time or something. But yeah, that aside, you probably can be considered an "old school Nickelodeon watcher". I always hate to say this, but Nickelodeon in the 80s and early to mid-90s just seemed cool. Now it's just..."meh", but, I'm not sure if it's just my age (I am above the age range that the station is aimed at), or if it's the station itself.

                                  [FONT=Impact]yeah thats when i was around to watch it too the early to mid 90's when nick was nick and now...now its just sick[/FONT]
                                    79987 Posts
                                    17 years, 3 months ago
                                    I remember old Nickelodeon, back when every other person in the apartment mom and I were living in subscribed to it, so we just got it off the signal leak in the building.
                                      133 Posts
                                      17 years, 3 months ago
                                      I've been a fan since i can remember. I saw the game shows, the live-action sitcoms, and the early GOOD "Nicktoons". I admit i see a couple Nick shows, but they are crap compared to the good ole days.
                                        voltron82's Avatar
                                        1003 Posts
                                        17 years, 3 months ago
                                        I'm a nick watcher since at least 1981 and I remember coming home from preschool to watch Pinwheel, Today's Special, Belle & Sebastian, etc. But for some reason, I don't really remember the silver ball logo! It looks vaguely familiar, and I have an excellent memory when it comes to this stuff..so I guess it's somewhere on the backshelf of my mind. LOL

                                        holy crap, Today's Special... i haven't thought about that show in years.. i loved that show
                                        "In heaven all the interesting people are missing."
                                        Friedrich Nietzsche
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