Ah those damn lil Stingers . Either due to a shift in the Mouth, Jagged teeth, or They come out on their own. ( also due to a non intentional bite of inner lip)
Yes try as you May to leave it alone. But beware of Thick Liquids like Ketchup(or Catsup) And maple syrup. they will shock you up a wall!!
To Combat this If You can't take the Pain, is a swabbing of Kanka (R) Medicine.
Like Oragel, You just give the canker a rub and then It'll get this weird waxy covering that'll get you at least an Hour of Comfort , so you can get something to eat without upsetting it.
This is All from experience.
Nick Rules said:
I have orajel, im not just trying to dull the pain. I want to prevent it from getting any bigger! ahh!
I had one that was so big it took up half the side of my lip. plus the fact I was getting over Pneumonia and Flu.