ChowTimer's Avatar
124 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
the japaneese people are weird sometimes, especcialy the way they incorperate the little tiger "shimajiro" in theese little unintentionally wrong and gross cartoons for potty training. shimajiro is probably high, because his poop has a face, like a japaneese mr. hankey.

here's one:

another ( public toilets)

one for a (gross) toy:

watch in wonder as you see a squat toilet, and a talking toilet!

yes, rosebud frozen peas. Full of country goodness and GREEN PEANESS. wait that's terrible, I QUIT!

oh what luck, there's a french fry stuck in my beard.

-The Critic
    79987 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    Ahhh...Shimjiro. Will he never learn? Those clips are on during the morning childrens shows. They have these Sesame Street/Telly-Tubbies- like shows and during the breaks (or maybe integrated into the show) they had Shimijiro learning to do wee-wees and poo-poos. I don't really know why.

    On a lot of the diaper/baby food etc commercials they often show a mother breast feeding her baby. I never see that on Australian television. Boobies are off limits in commercials.
      NickRules's Avatar
      4941 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      Hahaha I love the part where the subtitles turn brown, and how at the end that little japanese kid is all struggling to poop.
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        I wanna get those handle bars he is hanging onto at the end, but what is that thing asking him if he needs to pee or take a dump? That's weird. Most public toilets have sensors that detect when you are "finished" and automatically flush, but a voice? I can't imagine a lot of people sitting on the toilet saying "A shit please! Thankyou!"
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