TestTickles's Avatar
386 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
Tell us what u do
What u would like to do
Dream job u know u will never get
blah blah blah
    the-micro-man's Avatar
    3492 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    My dream job would be to be a NINJA!!! :D
      TestTickles's Avatar
      386 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      i been out of a job since the end of june
      i been having a killer time finding work
      i think its this town i live in
      i hate it
        79987 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        I've been unemployed for two months since I quit at that call center. It's impossible to find a job in this city. My friends are all in the same boat as I am. We all went to college, to end up struggling for work. We should have saved up our money before college and then maybe we could move out by now. But we didnt so we're stuck looking for jobs here. I'd do just about anything right now just for a few months to save up a bit of money so I can be ready to move out with my bf, hopefully before my birthday in March.

        Dream job, graphic designer. I should have went to college for that instead but made a rash deicison and now I regret it. But, thats okay. I can still go someday if I want too.
          punky's Avatar
          441 Posts
          17 years, 3 months ago
          I teach children with special needs. It would be my dream job if I made a lot more money!!!
            Mad-Mike's Avatar
            539 Posts
            17 years, 3 months ago
            I've been working at a major video game manufacturer in warranty repairs of the new game consoles they released this past year. While it's been fun, my landlord has raised up rent by nearly $100, and now I'm looking at going back to computer hardware installs for more an hour locally. It'll be sweet to get out of the heavy traffic my 1 hour 20 mile commute requires.

            As for a dream job, it would be fixing computers or building guitars somewhere, but it seems finding either of those kinds of jobs has lead me to meet a ton of assholes (aka. uppity guitar players), or has been totally killed off due to outsourcing (the I.T. Industry). That's actually one of my big headaches in the job market right now, all this outsourcing to india and china....GRRRRR.
              pikachulover's Avatar
              2944 Posts
              17 years, 3 months ago
              I don't know what I want to do. I just want to do something I really enjoy.

              This dumbass counselor at my college to me to be a teacher or nurse because there is job stability in those fields, but I don't want to do either of those. He told just to try and get better at those. I would have had more luck by throwing darts at a board with careers listed on it.
                beefcakebob's Avatar
                58 Posts
                17 years, 3 months ago
                Right now I work as a service manager for a tire and automotive center. I'm currently training to be a professional wrestler so we'll see how that works out.
                  TestTickles's Avatar
                  386 Posts
                  17 years, 3 months ago
                  Right now I work as a service manager for a tire and automotive center. I'm currently training to be a professional wrestler so we'll see how that works out.

                  is your wrestling name going to be beefcakebob?
                    beefcakebob's Avatar
                    58 Posts
                    17 years, 3 months ago
                    is your wrestling name going to be beefcakebob?

                    As of right now yes. Everyone at my school seems to like it and I'm pretty good at playing an arrogant muscle head (even though I'm not one). So right now it works pretty well.
                      TestTickles's Avatar
                      386 Posts
                      17 years, 3 months ago
                      As of right now yes. Everyone at my school seems to like it and I'm pretty good at playing an arrogant muscle head (even though I'm not one). So right now it works pretty well.

                      the name got that pussy sound to it

                      like calling a big fat guy tiny or a big tall black guy fluffy

                      its just that good of a name lol
                        Krumm6876's Avatar
                        161 Posts
                        17 years, 3 months ago
                        I wanted to be an hover craft technologist who worked as a ninja at night.
                        i read the never ending story and guess what?

                        It ended.
                          843 Posts
                          17 years, 3 months ago
                          [FONT=Impact]i would like to make cartoons and games and i would like to design game graphics and come up with good concepts but i hate math and i like to draw and everything but im kinda lazy so none of those would work out[/FONT]
                            Timown's Avatar
                            1575 Posts
                            17 years, 3 months ago
                            I'm not bothered about a career, i just want to earn enough to be able to enjoy my life. i've got an interview next week in private banking, doing essentially the same job i'm doing now, but nearly double the wage
                              TestTickles's Avatar
                              386 Posts
                              17 years, 3 months ago
                              I'm not bothered about a career, i just want to earn enough to be able to enjoy my life. i've got an interview next week in private banking, doing essentially the same job i'm doing now, but nearly double the wage

                              i need money and the easiest way to make money is illegal

                              good luck with the interview
                                Timown's Avatar
                                1575 Posts
                                17 years, 3 months ago
                                i need money and the easiest way to make money is illegal

                                good luck with the interview

                                Cheers dude.

                                i started off robbing old ladies, but the cane beatings were jsut too much for me
                                  TestTickles's Avatar
                                  386 Posts
                                  17 years, 3 months ago
                                  u tried that too those old grannies r vicious with they canes and bags

                                  and dont be a drug dealer if u r tall skinny and white
                                  it didnt work for me
                                    SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                    4806 Posts
                                    17 years, 3 months ago
                                    I would like to become an elementary school teacher or teach English as a second language or teaching elementary level mathematics (tutoring). To be honest, I'd like to do international teaching and hope to get into the JET program as an ALT someday to get experience in teaching in another country (Japan in this case), but one of the things I still need is a Bachelor's for a work visa.

                                    Since I'm being screwed over by Job stuff (including unemployment...I still can't get it, and have to go to court since I appealed the reasons I'm being denied it), I decided to go back to school to finish getting my Bachelor's degree for it. Yay for Student Loans. >_>;;

                                    As for my dream-job, to be honest, I'd like to be a writer. I can't think of anything else.
                                      TestTickles's Avatar
                                      386 Posts
                                      17 years, 3 months ago
                                      SSJ like u were saying in the other thread about walmart and being overqualified
                                      its tru and plus everyone seems to go to walmart. there probably have like 5000 resumes being handed in a month and some many openings.

                                      i just think im not getting hired is cuz im 22 and all i no restaurants. jobs dont give ppl chances. i like go on the internet to look for work and like every job u need exp. or high school degree (i dont have my high school dont mock me). like how the hell am i supposed to get exp. if no one will hire me. i went to the beer store to apply for a job (the beer store is the name of the store that sells beer up here in can pretty in genius name) i looked at the app. and it said must have grade 12. in the back of my mind i was like wtf y do i need my 12 to lift cases of beer?

                                      i just im going have to be patient and suck it up
                                        SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
                                        4806 Posts
                                        17 years, 3 months ago
                                        SSJ like u were saying in the other thread about walmart and being overqualified
                                        its tru and plus everyone seems to go to walmart. there probably have like 5000 resumes being handed in a month and some many openings.
                                        Yeah, but they wouldn't have to keep hiring people on if they treated their customers better. Every time I look, the Wal-Mart around here have openings. I heard that Wal-Mart tends to overwork their employees.
                                        i just think im not getting hired is cuz im 22 and all i no restaurants.
                                        I wish I could've had a job as a teen. At least I could put down "customer service" experience if that was the case. I don't have much customer service experience at all. I just did another short-term temp job last week. It was working at the registration booth for a convention being held (which was fun for me...I even met a teacher consultant from Japan, and he gave me his e-mail so that I can talk to him). I can honestly say that those three days is the extent of my customer service skills.
                                        jobs dont give ppl chances.
                                        Yeah, it does suck. They want people with work experience, but people don't want to hire people to get work experience. I'm 26 now...and this isn't where I saw myself being. I was hoping to be settled down and such by this age with a decent, stable job. I hate the fact that all of my life, I've never had one single solitary "stable" job.
                                        i like go on the internet to look for work and like every job u need exp. or high school degree (i dont have my high school dont mock me).
                                        You could go for your GED, that might help some. There are people with university and college degrees who are having a tough time finding jobs, and imo, if they're having trouble, then those like us will probably have an even tougher time.
                                        like how the hell am i supposed to get exp. if no one will hire me. i went to the beer store to apply for a job (the beer store is the name of the store that sells beer up here in can pretty in genius name) i looked at the app. and it said must have grade 12. in the back of my mind i was like wtf y do i need my 12 to lift cases of beer?
                                        I really feel that you should get your GED at least. That could help you some. I've come across jobs that requires one to have at least his/her high school diploma. I would suggest going to a job agency type place, but I think their minimum requirement is a high school diploma as well.

                                        My younger cousin didn't get his high school diploma either. He quit school in about 11th grade, I think, to join the job corp. He didn't like it, and came back. He tried to enroll back in school, but they wouldn't let him, so he never got his diploma. He got a job in a retail clothing store, because he knew some folks there, so they got him the job without his having his diploma/GED. He's going on 22 next year. He's still there now, and is now manager of the store, but, unfortunately, he doesn't have any benefits what-so-ever. Lucky for him, he's a healthy guy. He has a second job too at a shoe store. Anywho, unless you know someone, you are going to have a tough time, it seems.
                                        i just im going have to be patient and suck it up
                                        Yep, and good luck to you and everyone in search of a job. ^_^
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