Copper20's Avatar
601 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
I thought I lived in a free country.

Obviously I have a curfew whereas I can't go out at 12-6 AM until I'm 17. But it doesn't affect me, but for others my age, it's not fair. It's probably here since 1902. The problem is, they don't want 16 and under getting stabbed, headshotted, drugging, or whatever.
    2602 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    I guess that's another reason why you hate your city.
      SSJ_Jup81's Avatar
      4806 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      We have a curfew here too. All of the counties in my city do, if I'm not mistaken, but they differ for each one. Like for my county, I think no minor is allowed out past 11:00. I don't know if this curfew was always there since when I was that age, I rarely hanged out since I did have school to worry about. I had to wake up much too early to attend. I also couldn't drive, another reason for my being housebound.
        avaitor's Avatar
        789 Posts
        17 years, 2 months ago
        That's lame, I guess. Doesn't affect me at the least, but if I was your age again, then I'd be pissed, too. Might as well add this to your "I hate my city" page.
          Saradomin's Avatar
          581 Posts
          17 years, 2 months ago
          I live in a town where a lot of stupid things happen as well. It's not terribly bad, but there are a few things where I think there could be some improvements.

          So I guess I can relate that to your city.
            Thylacine's Avatar
            1525 Posts
            17 years, 2 months ago
            Yeah, because it's so much better to have kids running around at all hours, getting into all sorts of trouble that it is to actually have them home where they can, oh I don't know, be watched?
            "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
            -Rampage, Beast Wars

              Timown's Avatar
              1575 Posts
              17 years, 2 months ago
              Yeah, because it's so much better to have kids running around at all hours, getting into all sorts of trouble that it is to actually have them home where they can, oh I don't know, be watched?

              I agree.

              but i think that things like this (Which we really need in the uk imo) are needed because of idiots that ruin an estate. i used to be out till about 1 in the morning, with a friend, just having a good time and chatting, but you can't do that anymore
                Copper20's Avatar
                601 Posts
                17 years, 2 months ago
                I'm actually making plans to move in 2008.
                  Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                  5870 Posts
                  17 years, 2 months ago
                  Rally some support to change the law then. Otherwise, stop complaining.
                    2503 Posts
                    17 years, 2 months ago
                    aren't there curfews everywhere? :confused:
                    I mean, we have curfews here, too...

                    And really. Between the times of 12:00 and 6:00 am, are you really gonna be doing something POSITIVE? Come on now.
                      Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                      2505 Posts
                      17 years, 2 months ago
                      rules are made for a reason... to keep you safe... quit your belly aching.
                        584 Posts
                        17 years, 2 months ago
                        if there weren't problems in the past, the curfews wouldent exist.
                          misspiggy's Avatar
                          1442 Posts
                          17 years, 2 months ago
                          I got picked up by the town cops for being out after curfew when I was 14 almost every month because I babysat the kids down the street and the freakin cops were always just driving around waiting. I guess our town was boring back then, way too little crime to keep them busy. But, I must admit that I did sneak out for no reason at all late at night just to walk around sometimes. It seemed like a differant world when everyone eles was asleep.

                          I do think curfew is nessasary though. You will understand when you are old enough to be as scared as you should be. By the way--the free country thing...everyone has stuff they want to do that they cant and most of it has nothing to do with age/money/gender/or race. You'll get use to it, it gets worse not better with age. The older you get the more you'll notice real injustice and how little you can do about it without causing yourself problems.(find something to be happy about, hell, you are still in the dark at your age about the really bad shit. Live it up, being a kid is cool compared to the alternative)
                            Shot_King's Avatar
                            617 Posts
                            17 years, 2 months ago
                            I'm not sure if my city has a curfew in place for after dark. However, our council of government just passed a city ordinance where anyone under the age of 17 are not allowed in arcades, movie theaters, or other entertainment venues during school days between the hours of 8am and 4am. Supposedly to cut down on students playing hooky. While that may have some effectiveness, theres nothing to stop them from sitting in the privacy of his or her own house and playing games all day.
                              Ilikethepixies's Avatar
                              5870 Posts
                              17 years, 2 months ago
                              When I was a teenager, I always hung around the punk kids. Now, that word means a different thing than it does now.

                              What I mean by it was that it did not matter what clothes or shoes you wore... it meant not giving a fuck.

                              If there is a curfew... go out and break it. It'll be good training for when you have to fight for something of greater importance. Its only illegal if they catch you.
                                843 Posts
                                17 years, 2 months ago
                                [FONT=Impact]the curfew is 12 out here where i am if your not 18 or older and have an ID to prove it and you get caught out after 12 you get a citation or a ticket[/FONT]
                                  769 Posts
                                  17 years, 2 months ago
                                  Dude, I live in a 24 hour city, but not for those 18 and under, and for the most part you couldn't be in a 24 hour place if you were under 21. When I was a month away from turning 21, I couldn't be seated in a restaurant until my friend, who is only four months older than me, got back from the bathroom, because no matter what, you have to be accompanied by somebody who is 21 or older. How do you like that?
                                    Timown's Avatar
                                    1575 Posts
                                    17 years, 2 months ago
                                    aren't there curfews everywhere? :confused:
                                    I mean, we have curfews here, too...

                                    And really. Between the times of 12:00 and 6:00 am, are you really gonna be doing something POSITIVE? Come on now.

                                    badger watching
                                      2 Posts
                                      17 years, 2 months ago
                                      we r quite lucky where i live cos i live on a small island where everyone basically knows everyone n knows the ones t stay away from n we have never had a curfew! but i can generally c why they r in place but canna imagine what that wid b like at all!
                                        Ackman's Avatar
                                        911 Posts
                                        17 years, 2 months ago
                                        Curfew is to protect youths. So, be glad that you are protected.
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