yeah, I have seen 2 episodes. My boyfriend really seriously hates the show. He went so far as to say that it adds to the retardation of the world. :D
---thats why I watch it after he goes to sleep..;)
(I don't want that asshole thinking I am
I don't like him either. I mean, I don't hate him or anything. He just appeals to the lowest common denominator.
True dat. It's a shame that those with IQ's lower than 70 can still reproduce.
but the majority doth rule.
i find i can watch shows like that when i can't be arsed you use my intelligence of an evening. most of the time it's stuff like QI or never mind the full stops. only funny if you can engage your brain!
son, I don't understand a word you just said.
EDIT: lol
... EDIT: lol
Did this guy ever mature or is he a child trapped in a mans body? Funny is funny but stupid is just plain rediculous.