shadowprophet's Avatar
235 Posts
17 years, 3 months ago
Hmm, how can I post this topic in a way, that children, and non herbal people wont be offended or even clued into.

Who here prefers herbal treatments, I like herbal medicines. But I cant find the one herb I like most of all at any local store. I take it every day at 4:20. If your not clued in by now, This post isn't for you, Move on :cool:
    Thylacine's Avatar
    1525 Posts
    17 years, 3 months ago
    You know, sooner or later your bound to get a "witty" crack about a certain herb you can roll on paper and hold with a clip right?
    "Did I ever tell you how much I like ants huh? Especially fried in a subtle blend of mech fluid and grated gears?"
    -Rampage, Beast Wars

      shadowprophet's Avatar
      235 Posts
      17 years, 3 months ago
      You know, sooner or later your bound to get a "witty" crack about a certain herb you can roll on paper and hold with a clip right?

      ;) Oh indeed I do
        2694 Posts
        17 years, 3 months ago
        I used to like it more when I was a kid.
          4135 Posts
          17 years, 3 months ago
          You know, sooner or later your bound to get a "witty" crack about a certain herb you can roll on paper and hold with a clip right?

          uh, gee, ya think?

          Yes, I partook in that certain herbal remedy everyday for about eight years of my life. I used to love it. I would wake up, inhale the fumes of the herb, and drift off into happy land. I would draw or paint the most amazing pictures, write the most amazing poetry, and the listen to music while hanging out with friends who shared my love for the plant. I found that with the plant, it was always easy to make friends no matter how different you were.
          After a few years, however, it just wasn't the same. What made me fascinated with life before started to just make me lazy, stupid, hungry and paranoid. When I used to to get "elevated" I would do creative things that would blow my mind, but eventually i was just sitting down and a staring at the wall all day. I, like most people who do it, eventually grew out of it. That was back in 2003 and I haven't been a regular user since. I tryed it again last Christmas with my inlaws, but it just wasn't the same as it use to be and it probably never will be. Sure those times were fun, but they're in the past and it's time to move forward.
            adventure_of_link's Avatar
            17 years, 3 months ago
            Alright, marijuana is illegal, and as such, falls under the illegal activities.
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