RetroToon's Avatar
759 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
Does anyone here like those new Eggo waffle commercials with the cartoon girl and dad? I thought they were kind of cute and they seem to have some classic Looney Tunes like stuff to it. :)
    Xe-A-Thoul's Avatar
    6031 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    I think they're ultra ridiculous. First of all, what kind of lazy father would go Wile E. Coyote on his daughters waffles? Sure, according to the Eggo's Box he's a 'moocher' but that's no excuse to pilfer his daughters waffles. All you have to do is get up, put 'em in the toaster, and cook 'em. =/

    Why do all the breakfast food commercials involve some shmoe attempting to pilfer said breakfast food? It doesn't make sense.
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      RetroToon's Avatar
      759 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      Heh, you should see some of the ones on here: :rolleyes:
        TestTickles's Avatar
        386 Posts
        17 years, 2 months ago
        Heh, you should see some of the ones on here: :rolleyes:

        is u had a invisible suit why would u use it to stole waffles?
        i bet the kid got a belt to the backside cuz he stole dads waffle and made him late for work
        and by the looks of the lighting in the house, dad must got a shit job and doesnt make enough to pay for the electricity bill
          MrCleveland's Avatar
          1066 Posts
          17 years, 2 months ago
            TestTickles's Avatar
            386 Posts
            17 years, 2 months ago
            doesnt work
              MrCleveland's Avatar
              1066 Posts
              17 years, 2 months ago
              I like the one where the man tries to eat his waffle without waking his family, but his son takes the waffle. So he goes down the basement and his daughters spot him so he turns off the light.
                79987 Posts
                17 years, 2 months ago
                Is it okay that I have the hots for the cartoon dad?
                  COOLHAND's Avatar
                  2938 Posts
                  17 years, 2 months ago
                  seriously why doesnt he go buy his own eggo waffles. the trix rabbit too. if those little kids come to take away the trix he can just go mortal kombat on their asses and finish them with a fatality...or say no when they tell him to give them the stupid
                    TestTickles's Avatar
                    386 Posts
                    17 years, 2 months ago
                    seriously why doesnt he go buy his own eggo waffles. the trix rabbit too. if those little kids come to take away the trix he can just go mortal kombat on their asses and finish them with a fatality...or say no when they tell him to give them the stupid

                    i was thinking that too like in that one commericial that was posted early with the kid with the invisible suit. y steal your dads waffle when u can steal a bunch of boxes from the store in your cloaking suit or go next door to the hot nieghbours house and steal their waffles and maybe if u were lucky u could watch your neighbour getting rammed by her boyfriend while eating the waffles in your invisible suit.
                      Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                      2505 Posts
                      17 years, 2 months ago
                      silly rabbit trix are for kids!! why why are they only for kids! hahah lil bastards trying to hord all the goodness. Remember that subway add that said hey get your own sandwhich, that should apply to these eggo commercials as well.
                        liukangx's Avatar
                        3907 Posts
                        17 years, 2 months ago
                        If you are the damn Dad that means you bought the friggin waffles so if anyones trying to steal them it should be the daughter."Leggo my Eggo"? how about leggo the Eggos I bought before I turn that ass cherry red with a belt

                          Rainbow_Bright's Avatar
                          2505 Posts
                          17 years, 2 months ago
                          hahah wow the level of anger has gone up a percent, theres eight in a box is that going to be a reocurring thing? i mean seriously if thats a problem you can also buy them in packs of 48 i think..or alot so there no need to mooch as the dad does. What an abusive father figure....
                            79987 Posts
                            17 years, 2 months ago
                            how about leggo the Eggos I bought before I turn that ass cherry red with a belt

                            Spankings in exchange for Eggos? I'm in!
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