pjb2377's Avatar
937 Posts
17 years, 2 months ago
So last night my son and I decided to watch The Pursuit of Happyness. When it came to the scene with the Rubik's Cube my son thought he would get his out and try to solve it. And to no avail failed miserably. So I decided to hop online to see what I could find on solving it. Low and behold I found a solver. I just copied the cube's colors into place and pressed solve and viola, it gave me step by step instructions. Now I know I may be a little late and alot of people know about this but I was completely amazed. It was still tough with the step by step instructions. Roughly after a half hour I had it solved. And to think people can do this blindfolded!
    lorax's Avatar
    977 Posts
    17 years, 2 months ago
    It\'s insane isn\'t it! The last guy i dated could do it in about a minute or two without looking at it. He would be talking to me and it seemed like he was just fiddling around with it and i looked down and he was done! It blew my mind. He was just like \"it\'s a simple equation really...\" unbelievable
    "This scar is a fleck on my porcelain skin, tried to reach deep but you couldn't get in..."
      Edgold707's Avatar
      517 Posts
      17 years, 2 months ago
      I got so fustrated with my rubiks cube, I finally solved it by taking it apart and putting it back together again.
      Edgold707's Signature Image
        Seston's Avatar
        462 Posts
        17 years, 2 months ago
        the rubix cube i have is not even a cube. so i cant solve it.
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