now don't take me seriously. depression is a tough thing to go through, and making friends can really help. but with that same problem you have to watch which kind of friends you make. just last night i got banned from a forum for a stupid reason. now, on this particular forum, it's about a tv show, and they have different topics that you can talk about the show, or you can go to another part of the forum that's completely off-topic. well, because of how long i've been talking in the tv show topics, i decided to start making threads in the off-topic section. believe it or not, recently on of the members who's made more than 3000 posts on the site got promoted to being a moderator, and what a bitch she turned out to be. after talking in the off-topic section for more than 4 months now, i decided to go to another member's messageboard. he was from the same messageboard, had his own cool hangout. so, i joined there. i barely go on the other site anymore, and that moderator somehow heard about me joining it. she said tonight that on that guy's messageboard, it's sponsored by some weird company, don't care. she also said that the guy and her had gotten into some kind of business recently, which i don't mind. lastly, she said if i had really joined his site, she would ban me from her messageboard. it's stupid, i know. when i had met that girl last year, she seemed like a really nice friend, and never brought up anything negative. i've been on rj for quite a while now and i've never once ran into this problem, because i can trust everyone on here as i can see. i'm glad to be a member of rj, and it's forums. and i'm glad to have so many friends here on rj!